Understanding the Crucial Role of a Check Airman in Aviation

Paul Engelien
2 min readMay 23, 2024


Paul Engelien | Las Vegas, Nevada

In the aviation industry, the position of a check airman involves significant responsibility, primarily focusing on ensuring the safety and competence of flight crews. This role is vital for maintaining high standards of operation within airlines and other aviation-related organizations.

A check airman is tasked with several critical duties, chief among them conducting proficiency evaluation and training of pilots. According to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations, check airmen are authorized to conduct flight checks, line checks, and other forms of assessments essential for crew members. These evaluations are crucial, as they determine crew member capability to operate aircraft safely and efficiently.

The responsibilities of a check airman extend beyond mere evaluation. They are also involved in instructing pilots in normal and emergency procedures, ensuring that all flight crew members are adept at handling a wide range of potential in-flight situations. This training is designed to reinforce and update the skills necessary to comply with evolving aviation standards and technologies.

Additionally, check airmen play a pivotal role in the development and modification of training programs. They work closely with regulatory bodies like the FAA to ensure that training procedures meet all required standards and reflect current practices. Their insights from real-world flying and instructional experience are invaluable in shaping effective training modules and safety protocols.

Check airmen must possess a deep understanding of FAA regulations. This includes staying updated on changes to aviation laws and procedures that could affect flight operations. As such, their work supports the continuous improvement of aviation safety.



Paul Engelien

A resident of Henderson, Nevada, Paul Engelien has worked for Cirrus Aviation in Las Vegas as a check airman since joining the company in 2018.