AWS S3 Alternatives in 2024 : Cost and Quality

Paul Goll
5 min readApr 24, 2024


As businesses increasingly move their data and applications to the cloud, Amazon S3 has become the go-to solution for object storage.

However, while S3 offers robust features and integrates seamlessly with the AWS ecosystem, it’s not always the most cost-effective option, especially for those with high-volume storage needs.

Fortunately, there are now several capable S3 alternatives that provide similar functionality at lower costs.

In this article, I’ll break down the top alternatives to Amazon S3 across key criteria like features, performance, ease of use, and pricing. Whether you’re looking to completely replace S3 or just supplement it for certain use cases, these options are worth evaluating.

Key Factors to Consider

When comparing S3 alternatives, it’s important to look at the following aspects:

Compatibility: How well does the service work with existing S3-compatible applications and APIs? This is crucial for avoiding major rewrites.

Durability and Availability: Does the service offer eleven 9’s of durability and high availability across multiple regions like S3? Don’t compromise on data integrity.

Performance: For latency-sensitive applications, consider services that can match or exceed S3’s performance. Conduct real-world tests.

Security: Encryption at-rest and in-transit, access controls, and certifications are essential. Avoid providers with a history of breaches.

Pricing: Carefully evaluate pricing models, factoring in data storage, network transfers, operations, and minimum retention periods. Beware of hidden costs.

Scalability: Opt for services that can seamlessly scale to petabytes of storage and billions of objects without performance degradation.

Support: For mission-critical workloads, responsive 24/7 support is a must. Consider SLAs and access to expert help.

With these criteria in mind, let’s look at some of the leading contenders.

Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage

Wasabi is an affordable and high-performing alternative to S3 that has gained significant traction. Some key advantages include:

- Fully S3-compatible API for easy migration
- Costs 80% less than S3 with no egress or API request fees
- Single tier of hot storage that’s 6x faster than S3
- Strong security and compliance (HIPAA, FINRA, ISO 27001)
- 11 nines (99.999999999%) of object durability
- Intuitive browser-based interface

One potential drawback is that Wasabi currently has a smaller global footprint than AWS. However, they are rapidly expanding their data center locations. Cloud Storage is an emerging player that offers reliable and cost-effective S3-compatible storage.

Key advantages include:

- Unsurpassed reliability with 3x redundancy across data clouds
- S3-compatible API with 100% feature parity
- Ransomware protection via immutable data storage
- DDoS protection for uninterrupted data access
- Competitive and transparent pricing model
- Scalable architecture for businesses of any size

While a newer entrant, has been gaining traction among companies looking for a secure and high-performing S3 alternative.

Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage

Backblaze B2 is another popular choice that offers S3-compatible storage at a fraction of the cost. Notable features include:

- Simple pricing at $0.005/GB per month ($5/TB)
- Free egress for first 1 GB/day, then $0.01/GB
- 11 nines of durability and 99.9% availability SLA
- S3-compatible APIs, CLI, and SDKs
- Instant provisioning with no minimum commitments
- Built-in encryption and advanced identity management

While B2 performs well, some users have reported slower speeds compared to S3 for certain workloads. But the cost savings can more than make up for this.

Google Cloud Storage

For those already using Google Cloud, their object storage offering is a robust alternative to S3. Key benefits include:

- Tightly integrated with other GCP services
- Simple and cost-effective pricing with no minimum fees
- Highly scalable with 11 nines of annual durability
- Sub-millisecond latency and high throughput
- Configurable storage classes for hot and cold data
- Advanced security with customer-managed encryption keys

One consideration is that Google Cloud Storage, while S3-compatible, may require some refactoring to take full advantage of its features and pricing model.

Microsoft Azure Blob Storage

Azure Blob Storage is a strong choice for Microsoft-centric organizations looking for an S3 alternative. Advantages include:

- Seamless integration with Azure services
- Multiple tiers including hot, cool, and archive
- Highly scalable with 16 9’s of durability
- Comprehensive security and compliance certifications
- Geo-redundant storage options for high availability
- Support for large file sizes up to 4.77 TB per blob

However, Azure’s pricing model can be complex, with fees varying based on redundancy level and access tier. Careful analysis is required to optimize costs.

DigitalOcean Spaces

DigitalOcean Spaces is an S3-compatible object storage service that offers predictable pricing and solid performance. Notable features include:

- Simple $5/month pricing per 250GB of storage
- Free inbound transfer and $0.01/GB for outbound
- 11 9’s of durability and 99.99% availability SLA
- Fully S3-compatible APIs for easy migration
- Instant provisioning with no minimum fees
- Built-in CDN for accelerated content delivery

While DigitalOcean’s global footprint is smaller than AWS, they have data centers in key regions across North America, Europe, and Asia.


With the growing ecosystem of S3 alternatives, organizations have more flexibility than ever in building cost-effective cloud storage architectures. By evaluating options like Wasabi, Backblaze B2, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob Storage, DigitalOcean Spaces, and, you can find the optimal service for your specific needs and budget.

Personally, I believe Wasabi and Backblaze B2 are the strongest contenders for those looking to significantly reduce storage costs without sacrificing performance or S3 compatibility. Google Cloud Storage and Azure Blob Storage are great options for those already invested in those platforms. And innovative newcomers like are definitely worth watching.

Ultimately, the choice comes down to your unique requirements and constraints. But one thing is clear — Amazon S3 is no longer the only game in town. By carefully evaluating these alternatives, you can build a modern cloud storage foundation that’s not only highly scalable and reliable, but much more cost-effective as well.

