Twitter (temporarily) became a great user feedback tool

Paul Gosnell
1 min readJan 19, 2017


Q: What do CEO’s Brian Chesky (airbnb), Jack Dorsey (twitter and square) & Chris O'Neill (evernote) all have in common?

A: They turned to Twitter to gain valuable feedback and feature suggestions from their users!

Twitter temporarily became the best user feedback tool in December

Airbnb CEO took to the platform to ask what they should launch in 2017

1000’s of replies with some really solid ideas came flooding in and surprisingly, Brian managed to reply to nearly all sensible tweets, including one from me!

The airbnb CEO started a trend and shortly after, Jack himself turned to the platform for Twitter and Square feedback and suggestions.

This then inspired a few more

(although not directly using Twitter)


I think it’s awesome to see this and great use of Twitter for creators to connect with their users to gain valuable feedback. It really shows how leaders in tech are still passionate about their products and it highlights how important user feedback is to the roadmap of successful companies.

