Slow Tourism: 10 Things To Do in and near Pontedera, Italy

Paulina on the road
1 min readMar 7, 2019

Ciao from Pontedera, Italy in Tuscany! More exactly from the Valdera region near Pisa. Craving some winter sun, I went south again to fill up my Vitamin D level and indulge on food made with heart.

Whereas I know many Southern Europe countries like my pocket, because I used to live in them, Italy is still a relatively unknown territory for me. Well, it was about time to change that!

Valdera region is often overseen. I blame it on major tourist magnets like Pisa, Florence and Siena. Whereas these towns are getting increasingly massified and flooded with tourists ticking of their travel buckets list, Valdera, with Pontedera capital, is the quiet, easy going backyard of Tuscany. If you are seeking to experience the authentic, laid back Tuscany, look no further. Valdera has got it all!



Paulina on the road

Welcome to my little Travel Scrapbook about slow and eco-friendly traveling! All of my adventures are packed in short travel stories in English & Spanish.