Demystifying the OSI Model: A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Computer Networking Layers

Chelagat Pauline
4 min readAug 2, 2023
Copyrights: FS Community

Have you ever wondered how your devices communicate over the vast expanse of the internet? In the world of computer networking, communication between devices happens in a structured manner, much like how we communicate using different languages. To facilitate this efficient and seamless communication, the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model was developed. The OSI model is a conceptual framework that divides the complex process of data transmission into seven distinct layers, each with its specific role and responsibilities. In this article (also available on LinkedIn), we will unravel the mysteries of the OSI model and provide easy-to-understand examples of how each layer functions.

Layer 7: The Application Layer

At the top of the OSI model sits the Application Layer. This layer represents the point of interaction between the user and the network. It’s responsible for providing services directly to the user, such as email, web browsing, and file transfer. Think of it as the layer where you, the user, directly interact with network applications.


Imagine you’re using a web browser to access a website. The Application Layer is at work here as it converts your clicks and inputs into HTTP requests, allowing you to fetch web pages.

Layer 6: The Presentation Layer

The Presentation Layer handles data translation, encryption, and compression. It ensures that data exchanged between different systems can be understood by both parties. This layer focuses on the format and syntax of the data, making it ready for transmission.


When you stream a video on your device, the Presentation Layer may be responsible for compressing the video data, optimizing it for efficient transmission over the network.

Layer 5: The Session Layer

The Session Layer establishes, manages, and terminates communication sessions between devices. It allows for synchronization and keeps track of dialogue control. This layer ensures that data exchange happens smoothly and can recover from interruptions.


In a video conference call, the Session Layer helps manage who can speak at a given time, ensures that all participants are in sync, and handles reconnection if someone temporarily drops out.

Layer 4: The Transport Layer

The Transport Layer ensures end-to-end communication and data delivery. It breaks down large messages into smaller packets, manages flow control, and provides error checking and correction. It guarantees that data arrives intact and in the correct order.


When you send an email attachment, the Transport Layer divides the file into packets, numbers them, and reassembles them at the recipient’s end to ensure the complete file’s delivery.

Layer 3: The Network Layer

The Network Layer deals with routing and forwarding data packets. It selects the best path for data to travel from the source to the destination device. This layer makes use of logical addressing, such as IP addresses, to identify devices on the network.


When you send a request to a remote server, the Network Layer determines the best route for your data to traverse through various routers, ensuring it reaches the intended server efficiently.

Layer 2: The Data Link Layer

The Data Link Layer handles node-to-node communication, ensuring data integrity over a physical link. It adds a header with MAC addresses to the data packet, allowing devices on the same network segment to communicate.


When you connect to a Wi-Fi network, the Data Link Layer is responsible for framing your data with the necessary wireless communication information, like MAC addresses.

Layer 1: The Physical Layer

At the base of the OSI model is the Physical Layer, responsible for the actual physical connection between devices. It deals with the raw data transmission in the form of electrical signals, light pulses, or radio waves. Think of this layer as the highway over which your data travels. Ethernet cables, Wi-Fi signals, and optical fibers are all part of the Physical Layer.


When you plug in an Ethernet cable to connect your computer to a router, the Physical Layer is responsible for transmitting the electrical signals representing your data across the cable.


The OSI model might seem complex at first glance, but breaking it down into its seven layers makes it easier to understand how data moves between devices on a network. Each layer plays a crucial role in ensuring that communication is seamless, efficient, and reliable. Whether you’re sending an email, watching a video, or browsing the web, the OSI model is the unseen force that keeps our interconnected world running smoothly.

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Chelagat Pauline

Life Long Learner || Junior Software Engineer || Data Analyst