Re Modernist
2 min readSep 1, 2018
Cat-love GIF (Homage to Paul Jaisini by GIGroup NYCity us 2015)

“What is it all about?” (Ghost Art Gif Homage to Paul Jaisini Circa 2014 Created by GIG NYC )

People ask us about GIG, about Paul Jaisini, about invisible art — what are we or what is it — but we opted not to talk about it or ourselves ever since its inception three decades ago. We prefer that people do the proverbial legwork of finding out themselves because…people these days are smart enough and can figure things out for themselves without us needing to spell anything out or shoving any specific knowledge down your throats. It should be people’s own decision to make whether they want to know about it or not. We just give a name or vague caption, that’s it, and let others do the rest. There are many names of things I hear that I don’t care to know about. Who am I to tell you what you should or should not know. You can decide that for yourself just fine. In our philosophy, art is about discovery, enigma, uncertainty, puzzles, mind games, WTFs…like unearthing bones and discovering new, unknown species, for instance. One could consider GIG to be an artistic form of archaeology, particularly the ideas behind it, the philosophy that drives it. There are bones a-plenty to be dug up in the GIG-verse…whether you want to get your hands dirty is all up to you. And that’s what it’s all about.