Cold Case: Catching BTK After 31 Years!

His Achilles Heel: Narcissism.

Paul Fransen
7 min readMar 6, 2019
Headlines Revealing Church Council President Dennis Rader as “BTK”
BTK: In his prime (L); and in the courtroom (R)
BTK retained souvenirs from his murder victims, and enjoyed taunting the local police

When I intercepted the 30-year-old cold case on BTK in 2004, I thought, well, I’m not a psychologist, but that Wichita Eagle anniversary article could prove to be very imprudent, since I thought it had the potential to “awaken” the killer, since he seemed to thrive on attention. I realized that he could easily be 60-years-old and capable of resuming his murderous career. Spanning the years 1974 to 1991, he murdered 10 people, included two children from the same family. His first effort consisted on taking on a family of four, much like In Cold Blood, which caught his attention as a teenager.

While praying over this cold case, I suddenly FELT his energy signature. Thirty-one years after performing his initial murders (1974), and 16 years after his last murder (1991), he was still alive! While I didn’t see his image or name, I knew I was right about the initial 2004 cold-case story in the Wichita Eagle having the potential to inspire him to wreak more havoc. Days later, there was a local news item about how a naked and bound doll was found with a noose around its neck, with a souvenir from a previous murder victim, near a local park. I knew that I had the ability to pray against this man and stop him in time from claiming his next victim (which it was later learned in court proceedings, that he had already randomly chosen “#11”).

I had the intuition that in the 31 years since the 1974 murders of the Otero family, that mainstream society had now evolved well into the age of the personal computer, being about as commonplace as a toaster. Whereas his prior MO was to wear gloves and clip letters from headlines in the local paper to forward (either directly or through local news affiliates) taunting letters about his crimes to the Wichita Police Department, I felt that through prayer, I could enhance his original obsession for taunting the police, by helping him to advance to embrace to the exciting world of computing! He began to ruminate about this new obsession, but still he wasn’t sure if it was safe. So he contacted the police department to inquire if he sent a floppy disk, if he would risk losing his anonymity. The police responded back as he requested by taking out a small personal ad in the Wichita Eagle, assuring him: “Rex, it will be okay.” Now since he liked playing the edge, (kind of like when some college guys consider accepting a dare to streak late at night on campus, to get the thrill of that unique adrenaline rush) and since he had already taken one murder victim to Christ Lutheran Church (where he was President of the Church Council) late at night to pose her body on the altar, the path was paved for him to ask his Pastor if he could briefly use the church computer “since my printer is broken.” Within 10 minutes he had completed the new manuscript on a purple floppy disk, and was on his way to forward it to the local television station. What he didn’t realize is that the Wichita Police lied to him about not being able to trace the floppy disk; and that since he had re-purposed a previously recorded disk, he didn’t realize that the computer forensics professionals would be able to restore his old files which revealed that his first name was Dennis. When police saw the Mac address of the latest manuscript came from a computer at Christ Lutheran Church, a detective Googled the church registry and discovered that there was a Dennis Rader who was President of the Church Council!

When Detectives then accessed a residual medical specimen that had already collected from his daughter during a routine procedure at her university health clinic, they discovered that the DNA was a perfect match with BTK’s DNA that was collected at the murder scenes decades earlier! After 31 years, the police had finally caught BTK! He was not a drifter, but a “pillar of the community.” Like Chris Watts, he was a “double-minded man.” By using prayer to inspire BTK to embrace the modern age of computing (with which he was not adequately familiar) I was able to “force his hand” to reveal his true identityand finally bring some justice to all of those grieving families in Wichita, KS. The Wichita Police felt that by “playing to his ego” they caught their man (“Rex” advert in local paper). What they didn’t realize is that through prayer, I had already done that, by 1) amplifying his obsession to taunt the police again; and 2) “egg him on” to want to enjoy the adrenaline rush of changing his MO by using a personal computer to accomplish the task…


As a Paranormal Investigator, my specialties are solving cold cases; and assessing the integrity of employees, business partners (both proposed and seated) and spouses/significant others. This can include selecting the best option for a power-of-attorney; and assessing the integrity of elder-care providers, and assisting in determining if your daughter’s beau or son’s fiance has ulterior motives.

My niche is that I provide prompt results in a fully discreet manner at less cost than conventional detective work. Of course, if you need objective proof, the latter is recommended (unless they are at an impasse, and their stonewalled efforts require a “boost” to augment their acquisition of useful objective data). But otherwise, when discreet and confidential assessment of various human relationships is required, I offer a unique, confidential and reliable professional service. To reiterate:

I provide individualized, discreet consultation, maintaining full confidentiality in providing intuitive insights into, and unique strategies for resolving otherwise challenging human relationships, including, (but not limited to) the following personal and professional concerns:

*Employment (integrity/selection process/Corporate Risk Management)
*Financial Advisor (integrity concerns)
*Ulterior Motives (Is he/she good enough for my daughter/son?)
*Infidelity (incl domestic violence assessment)
*Child Abuse (caregiver integrity)
*Elder Care (caregiver/POA integrity)
*Homicide (including “cold cases”)

So, if you are getting frustrated, because you feel like you are being stonewalled, I can probably be of help. When the “powers that be” arrogantly quip: “I’ve got people;” I instead confidently counter: “That’s nice. I’ve got eternal angels (that are capable of out-maneuvering a jet)…”.


Consider the financial and emotional expense of remaining uncertain about the people in your “inner circle”. So, if you are looking for peace of mind, or closure and justice, but feel stonewalled by the system; I can confidentially provide unique (and legal) alternatives customized to your individual situation and interests. Consider the following twist on the MasterCard theme:

(*Median Cost of a Wedding: $20K-32K+/(plus risk of large-scale public humiliation in front of your polite-society friends)
*Cost of being embezzled by your financial advisor: up to $65 million+
*Peace of mind in knowing that your daughter’s suitor/your financial advisor/POA are in fact trustworthy: PRICELESS!
“There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s MasterCard! Accepted everywhere.”)

Quotes are provided based upon the time and effort required to research and work on your case. I discuss all options up front, and you are free to decide what services are of interest. To promptly obtain my professional services, all patrons will need to purchase an Initial Consultation ($250). I do charge for this Initial Consultation: because that requires an Initial Intuitive Scanning with Analysis and the provision of Recommendations. In many cases, only the Initial Consultation is required to provide the information required to resolve your situation.

Suitable resolutions are typically attained within a few weeks.


Please visit my website at:

​I prefer that you initiate contact in writing. Be specific about your concerns and goals when contacting me via E-mail. If you purchase an Initial Intuitive Screening (above) I guarantee that I will be in prompt contact with you!

Prompt responses will be provided to all respectful and sincere inquiries. If you provide a phone number and best contact time(s), I will gladly advance our dialogue via phone. There is also the option to advance to teleconferencing. Please review “My Methodology” on the home page to review items I typically make use of when attuning to a subject for the purpose of intuitive scanning.

My direct tel/text: (270) 594–2650.



Paul Fransen

Physical Therapist living in Bowling Green, KY. My specialty is gerontology: optimizing senior independence. I am an Empath/HSP with paranormal abilities.