Handy C/C++ Preprocessor Macros

Paul J. Lucas
5 min readJan 5, 2024



Programming in either C or C++ invariably requires using preprocessor macros at some point. Here’s a collection of macros I find particularly handy in most any program. These macros work in either C or C++.


This macro concatenates two identifiers together:

#define NAME2(A,B)         NAME2_HELPER(A,B)
#define NAME2_HELPER(A,B) A ## B

For example, NAME2(foo,bar) will expand into foobar.

It actually will concatenate any two tokens together, but concatenation is invariably used for identifiers.

The reason for NAME2_HELPER has been explained previously in detail.

Why is this handy? Wait and see.


This macro forms a “unique” name:


Well, unique enough for most cases. Specifically, it forms a unique name only for the line it’s on, for example, UNIQUE_NAME(var) would expand into something like var_42.

Why is this handy? As shown in the macros below, having a unique name allows you to use the same macro multiple times in the same scope or nested scopes and avoid shadows warnings.


This macro will assert if it’s executed more than once:

#ifndef NDEBUG
#define ASSERT_RUN_ONCE() \
do { \
static bool UNIQUE_NAME(called); \
assert( !UNIQUE_NAME(called) ); \
UNIQUE_NAME(called) = true; \
} while (0)
#define ASSERT_RUN_ONCE() (void)0
#endif /* NDEBUG */

It’s for use in initialization type functions to guarantee they’re called at most once, e.g.:

void conf_init( void ) {
// ...

It’s defined only if NDEBUG (the macro used with assert) is not defined since it’ll work only when compiling with assertions enabled (the default).

This implementation isn’t thread-safe. However, it’s fine if a program doesn’t use more than one thread. If a program does use more than one thread, a thread-safe version is possible and not that much harder, but it’s left as an exercise for the reader.


This macro will run a statement exactly once:

#define RUN_ONCE                     \
static bool UNIQUE_NAME(run_once); \
if ( (UNIQUE_NAME(run_once) || \
!(UNIQUE_NAME(run_once) = true)) ) ; else

int main( int argc, char const *argv[] ) {
RUN_ONCE conf_init();
// ...

Usually, it’s a best-practice to enclose multiple statements between a do... while loop; however, in this case you can’t use one and have the else work. Despite this, it’ll work in most cases.

Similarly, this implementation isn’t thread-safe either. Again, a thread-safe version is left as an exercise for the reader.

Alternatively, you can use call_once() that is thread-safe. However, call_once() is a bit clunkier to use since it forces you to declare a flag explicitly and put the code into a separate function.

In C++, you can alternatively use std::call_once() that’s a bit better in that you can use a lambda rather than a separate function, but you still need to declare a flag explicitly.


This macro will return the number of elements in a statically allocated array:

#define ARRAY_SIZE(A)  (sizeof(A) / sizeof(0[A]))

Yes, the syntax of 0[A] is legal. It’s a consequence of the quirky interplay between arrays and pointers in C. Briefly, the a[i] syntax to access the ith element of an array a is just syntactic sugar for *(a+i). Since addition is commutative, *(a+i) can be alternatively written as *(i+a); that in turn can be written as i[a]. In C, this has no practical use.

So why use it here? In C++, however, using 0[A] will cause trying to use ARRAY_SIZE on an object of a class for which operator[] has been overloaded to cause a compilation error, which is what you’d want.

While ARRAY_SIZE works fine, it can also be wrongly used on an “array” parameter:

void f( int a[] ) {  // really, int *a
for ( size_i i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(a); ++i ) // WRONG
// ...

As I’ve mentioned previously, array parameters simply don’t exist in C (or C++): the compiler rewrites such parameters as pointers.

Some compilers warn about this. For those that don’t, can ARRAY_SIZE be defined such that it’ll generate an error if it’s used on a pointer? Yes (mostly).


The first thing needed is a way to determine whether the type of A is actually a statically allocated array (as opposed to a pointer). C++ has std::is_array, but what about C?

As of C23, you can use typeof along with _Generic:

#define IS_ARRAY(A)       \
_Generic( &(A), \
typeof(*A) (*)[]: 1, \
default : 0 \

This works because if A is actually an array:

  1. The &(A) yields “pointer to array of type T.”
  2. The A (inside typeof) “decays” into a pointer to its first element yielding “pointer to T,” i.e., T*.
  3. The *A dereferences T* yielding the element type T.
  4. Finally, T (*)[] yields “pointer to array of type T” which matches 1 above and _Generic returns 1 (true).

If A isn’t an array, e.g., a pointer, then none of the above works and _Generic matches the default case and returns 0 (false).

If you’re using a version of C prior to C23, both gcc and clang support typeof (or __typeof__) as an extension.

So far, so good; but how can IS_ARRAY be used with ARRAY_SIZE such that it’ll fail to compile when given a pointer?


C has static_assert, but it’s more like a statement. What’s needed is a way to use it in an expression. The trick is to realize that static_assert can be used pretty much anywhere, including inside a struct declaration that’s an argument to sizeof() that makes the whole thing an expression:

(!!sizeof( struct { static_assert( (EXPR), MSG ); char c; } ))

If EXPR is non-zero, sizeof() will return non-zero that !! will convert to 1; if EXPR is zero, then you’ll get a compile-time error that the assertion failed. (The char c is there just so the struct isn’t empty.)


Given all that, we can now do:

#define ARRAY_SIZE(A) (     \
sizeof(A) / sizeof(0[A]) \
* STATIC_ASSERT_EXPR( IS_ARRAY(A), #A " must be an array" ))

If A is really an array, the STATIC_ASSERT_EXPR will be 1 and multiplying by 1 is innocuous. (The compiler will optimize the multiplication away.)


Now that we have ARRAY_SIZE that will work only on arrays, we can use it to define a convenience macro:

for ( TYPE const *VAR = (A); VAR < (A) + ARRAY_SIZE(A); ++VAR )

that reduces the boilerplate code to iterate over all elements of a statically allocated array.


Now that we have ARRAY_SIZE that will work only on arrays, we can use it to define:

#define STRLITLEN(S)  (ARRAY_SIZE(S) - 1)

that gets the length of a C string literal (an array of char) at compile-time.


I hope you’ll agree that these macros are handy. Feel free to use them in your programs.

Further Reading

Here are other articles I’ve written that involve preprocessor macros:



Paul J. Lucas

C++ Jedi Master. I am NOT available for advice, consultation, recommendations, nor individual training. No, I don't want to write for your publication or site.