Vommenting On Social Media

Paul Keck
1 min readSep 22, 2017


vommenting [vämenting]: the phenomenon where a reader has a bad reaction to content they have consumed on social media, and then proceeds to vomit their self-serving, emotion-fuled, and demeaning opinions all over the comment section.

Unlike trolling, people who vomment are having an unchecked reaction. They’re not looking for a fight, but for whatever reason cannot corral their response into a respectable and constructive comment.

Facebook seems like a top-notch environment for vomments, although they can show up anywhere.

Upon reading vomments, others feel compelled to vomment themselves, thus adding to the steaming terrible mess.

Vomments are disgusting and drive most people away, so there is little hope for constructive comments to arrive.

Since fueled by emotion & reaction, vomments are rarely on point. They often state obvious things in an accusatory way.

Vomments often hijack the conversation because of their vile nature.

How can I help?

We all have the potential to vomment, and sometimes reading our own comments before posting can avoid the ugliness. If you see vomments from other people, please don’t turn the other way. Add a reasonable comment, get things back on track, and help clean up the mess!



Paul Keck

Lean / Tech Consultant & Startup Coach @ Workhorse Ventures, investor/partner/advisor with a handful of Phoenix startups.