Simplify 3 Important Areas of Your Life

Finances, Health, and Time

Paul Ledford
4 min readFeb 12, 2020
Photo by Samantha Gades on Unsplash

Why does life have to be so complicated? We are born into a complex world of human beings, nature, education, work, relationships, social status, emotions, and the list could go on forever. And what do most of us do? We either jump right into the deep end or we’re thrown there.

There Are Only 2 Options

I was teaching an ESL(English as a Second Language) class a few nights ago and we were discussing “too much” versus “too many” and “enough/not enough.” It led to us talking about money and how to say

“I have too much money” and “I don’t have enough money.”

Is making things complicated in our human nature, or do we do it to help us hide from our problems and give us excuses for not having to deal with our problems head-on? Through the 2 simple sentences that we studied above, I realized that some of the things in life that we have the most trouble with can be simplified. You can either decrease one thing OR increase the other.

1. Finances

Money is a fact of life for the modern world. You can earn it, spend it, and save it. Sometimes it makes us happy, greedy, angry, or depressed, but it also has the power to give you the freedom to do the things that mean the…



Paul Ledford

From Alabama but based in Japan, I write to help people create healthier, more fulfilling, and more productive lives.