2 min readJul 26, 2016


But, this is true. There’s a progressive on the ballot and people are going to vote for the watered-down, racist, imperialist, become-the-oppressor feminist? That’s pretty fuckin spoiled if you ask me.

Hillary is so much more likely to get into a war than Donald Trump. She’s already told us so! Her plans for a no-fly zone over Syria, provoking Russia, who has nuclear weapons.

The fact is: we have 3 extreme right-wingers on the ballot and one center-left sane person. There’s no getting around that. Jill Stein is the only candidate who doesn’t take Big Money and therefore represents the people. Anyone who votes for Hillary Clinton is absurdly ignorant, deliberately and conveniently “forgets” about the reality of her record, or is a heartless cretin. If you voted for Bernie Sanders, the only choice you have now is Jill Stein. Neither Trump nor Clinton nor Johnson is acceptable and I’m trying to welcome people to the Stein camp so I won’t say what I think of those who liked Bernie but chose one of the other 3 as their Plan B. If you’re anything left of center, even if you’re center-right, Jill Stein is for you. It’s sad. I want more parties to represent even the Americans I disagree with, like conservatives, whose Republican Party fails to represent just as much as the Democratic Party fails to represent progressives. Wall Street has 2 parties. We have none.

It’s just really rich, you know, that the FBI flat-out told us that if somebody else found himself in a circumstance similar to Hillary Clinton’s with her private servers and email accounts, he would be punished, and they want to lecture us about privilege. It’s undeniable now that she “won” a rigged primary in which there was absolutely election fraud, and they want to talk to us about privilege. Their candidate profits off of war and environmental disasters — she makes more in one one-hour speech than her opponent & his wife in a full year, and they want to talk to us about privilege. Give me a fucking break.

If they are so worried about Donald Trump enacting even one piece of legislation, then why did they dismiss Bernie Sanders as “fantastical” and “pie-in-the-sky?”

If you know Bernie or Bust exists and you’re worried about Trump and you know Bernie beats him but Hillary doesn’t and you still vote for her, don’t come to me talking about privilege. You’re simply a heartless, unamerican asshole. Just like your candidate who deports child refugees “to send a message.” I’m sick of sugarcoating it for these people.




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