TOP 10 Powerful Promts for Web Development

Paul Nacci
3 min readJun 5, 2023
TOP 10 Powerful Promts for Web Development

In this article I discuss the issues of web development and how ChatGTP can relieve us or help us with many web tasks.

1. Generating SVG graphics

Chat GTP is able to generate any graphics in SVG, just write what you need.

Create a red question mark in SVG

2. Solutions to the most common css problems

Do you have a problem with style collisions, or maybe you don’t know how to center a div?

How do you vertically and horizontally center a div?

3. Regex explanation

Many web developers have problems with regex and its use. Chat GTP will help you understand how regex works or explain what regular expression data does.

Explain this regex: /^([a-z0–9_\.-]+)@([\da-z\.-]+)\.([a-z\.]{2,63})$/

4. He will write the code for you

The code prepared by ChatGPT still often contains errors, but it is so transparent that you can often make it work properly yourself or with its help.

Create a website code with a search bar that will take me to google search results for the phrase I enter into it.

5. Bootstrap? Tailwind? It’s not a problem.

Chat GTP knows enough frameworks to help you generate basic interfaces.

Create a header with a drop down main menu, use Bootstrap v5 for that.

6. Memory leaks

Do you have a feeling that there is a memory leak in your code? Have him checked. Chat GTP is able to detect it and propose a solution to the problem.

Detect memory leaks in the following JavaScript code [your-code]

7. API search

If you are looking for specific APIs that you need for your project, you can use ChatGTP to generate a list of some of the most popular and free APIs in a given category.

List ten popular and free APIs in the category of [your-category].

8. Interview

ChatGTP is able to generate you a list of questions or best practices related to your programming language, which will certainly be useful to you at the interview.

Can you recommend some coding exercises for interview practice?

9. Recommended Libraries

If you are wondering which library will be best for your project, you can use ChatGPT to help you make a decision.

Recommend a JS framework for [your-specific-project].

10. UX/UI suggestions

ChatGPT will prepare a list of the most common UI/UX errors so that you can maximize sales on your client’s website.

UX / UI recommendations for a sales landing page. What should I pay attention to to increase the chances of a sale?

Thank you for reading this article to the end.

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Paul Nacci

I am writing a story about making money online, creating websites and self-education.