Episode #0: Marketing a SAAS globally.

Paulo Tenorio
4 min readApr 27, 2016

This is the very first post about my journey to place www.Trakto.io in the very first position as a global digital marketing solution for professionals and SMBs.
As CEO and also head of marketing(yes, we have a team of 9 and you know…)
I will share here my strategy/mistakes to place a SAAS product in the global market.

About the decision

Since I’ve decided to go public I have been battling about wether it will become a hit or a major failure. Well, only time will tell but I will make sure to record everything I’m learning along the way.

Lets do it!

First, where to start? Well, Trakto has more than 500 clients in Brazil but I’m not considering the Brazilian traction. I will start from scratch. Meaning, I’m on day zero. Few early adopters and 2 paying clients already in the US that are excited about our product.

Now back to the baby steps:

  1. Where to begin — I’m choosing what countries should I try to get in. I thought about starting in the US/UK/Australia/Israel/Germany . But this is a guess based on the need for a marketing solution and also money. They are all rich countries. But they are also competitive as hell. So right now I’m still studying the possibilities. (open to suggestions BTW, feel free to comment)
  2. Acquisition Channels — I’ve also chosen Facebook and Twitter as my main acquisition channels. No Adwords for now. And to be honest, I personally don’t like Adwords. And because they are two different beasts. I will focus first on Facebook because I’m more used to it and also I can get results faster.
  3. 15 Days goal — Right now my goal is to learn as fast as I can where in the globe Trakto has a market fit. And because I’m learning my goal is to spend as less money as possible.
  4. Budget — I will spend USD$1000 on facebook ads over the next 15 days. The idea is to put $10 on different personas per day. You can do a lot with $10. It does not seem much but you can try a lot of different things. I did that in Brazil and worked great.
  5. Personas — Defining personas is a bitch. Seriously. If I target the wrong persona I will get into an espiral to nowhere. Sucks balls to do a poor work on the personas. So, here in Brazil I have it defined. And so far, so good. Will it be the same? No idea. Thats why I’m backing to scratch and doing all the personas again.
  6. Creative/Ads — I’m a designer/motion designer. Meaning, I will design all the ads and share it here with you. and I will post here on my next episode. You can check some of the videos I’m using here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKp6I1bjLvc
  7. Influencers — I need to get in touch with influencers and ask them to try Trakto. I’m planning to find them on Facebook, Twitter and also I will post on facebook marketing groups to see if I can collect feedbacks and find a fit.
  8. CAC/Goals — I have a goal of a $2/registered user and another goal of a $100 CAC.
  9. PR Firm — I’m thinking about hiring a PR firm. Any thoughts? Mine is: A good PR firm/professional is expensive and I don’t have the money(yet) to hire them. So I’m a little bit afraid to throw money in the garbage.
  10. CTA/Landing Pages — I’m struggling to find a good call to action. In fact, my whole landing page has to be redesigned. I’m afraid this will consume too much time and delay my plans for the next 15 days.

As you can see. There’s a lot of work to be done. On the next episode I will share my progress and also I will do break down for the tools I will use in the process.

And that’s it folks. I’m feeling pumped and not alone anymore while marketing Trakto globally. At this point, I already think was a good idea to share with you our journey.

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To know more about Trakto, www.trakto.io
And to connect with me, I’m always on FB:https://www.facebook.com/pauloblob

