10 tips for studying improv at The UCBThis is part 2 of a series of studying improv at various improv schools. See part 1 here which discusses The Groundlings.Aug 23, 2022Aug 23, 2022
Seinfeld and ImprovI am sure many people have written on this topic, many far more eloquently than I, but as Wittgenstein said in his preface to the Tractatus…Jul 18, 2022Jul 18, 2022
Seven Tips for Improv AuditionsImprov auditions can be scary — you have no script, no jokes and no characters (it’s improv baby!) All you have is you.Jul 11, 2022Jul 11, 2022
10 tips for studying improv at The GroundlingsThe Groundlings is an improv and sketch comedy theatre and school based on Los Angeles. They have been around for over 40 years and their…Jul 8, 20223Jul 8, 20223
Towards a Modern Improv PedagogyBy pedagogy I mean the teaching of how to improvise.Jul 3, 20221Jul 3, 20221
Intentionality in ImprovOne line summary: Improvisers should execute any verbal or physical action with clarity of purpose.Jun 21, 2022Jun 21, 2022
Relationships in ImprovOne line summary: Relationships in improv are not a noun (such as siblings) but how you affect (or relate to) the other person(s) in the…Jun 20, 20221Jun 20, 20221