We are doing it wrong.

Paul Rouge
5 min readMar 13, 2019

I believe that for Bitcoin to succeed we need to educate the mass about our financial system. People fear changes and reject thoughts that may imply that change in their own life is needed. So when you tell people how we are getting screwed by the central banks for more than a century people will most likely not deal with that fact.

People don’t want to be told that they are worthless pieces in a game of the central banks. Our brain will fight ferociously for our ego; I am not worthless! I matter! My loved ones matter! I am special!

Too really convince is too let someone come to his/her own conclusion. Just giving facts will not be enough when the result of a new found conviction will potentially have a big impact on the daily life of that person. The brain will reject in fear of the uncertainty ahead, and the brain is what makes something real or not real for one.

In our society it’s made very easy to ignore the gigantic problem the banking system is to humanity. Our brain will pick the source of information which suites best as the truth, as long there is no immediate suffering, pain or danger we will continue as we did.

For years I could get a depressed and angry about how the banking system is killing humanity by causing pain, injustice, and all of the big wars we’ve seen in the last century. But I am part of that system and the only way to get out of it was to leave everything to go and live of the land somewhere in a jungle. That wasn’t realistic for me, plus that wouldn’t change anything for the rest of the world.

So I just continued, knowing that things are f*cked up.

Until one day I read up about Bitcoin. Before that day Bitcoin was just some magic internet-money for nerds. But that day I realized, Bitcoin has the potential to bring down this cancerous banking system that is withholding our species from evolving to a better one! WOW, F*CKING WOW!

I still remember the goosebumps and the shivers going down my spine. This could be a real solution!

When spreading the good word of Bitcoin to my loved ones I soon noticed that none of them see Bitcoin as the revelation as I did. But why??? Clearly you must see that this is the next step in our societal evolution?? Apparently not… So nowadays I’ll hide my enthusiasm because people’s reactions make me feel like a conspiracy lunatic. And why bother telling people about this when you know you will never get the result you want; Helping them realize the potential of Bitcoin.

Why oh why?

People don’t know how cancerous the system is because people don’t want to know. Because if they would know, their brain would be in conflict. How can I be a good human being while supporting and being part of the biggest problem to humanity today? Because when you acknowledge the problem, how can you possibly keep your money on a bank or pay taxes. By doing that you’re giving the system the power, you are giving them the power to bomb countries, kill human beings. Making people hate other people they have never met, making people behead people they don’t know, and film it to show other people how big their hate is.

It’s very hard for an ego to acknowledge that it’s part of the problem that is causing that kind of suffering.

So, we have a very big fight to fight. Not against the banking system, that’s a fight we won’t be able to win, they have nukes you know… That non-fight will be won when we win the fight against the ego of the mass.

And, we can only win that fight without fighting, the only way is to gently show the ego of the mass small pieces of the problem. Don’t scream, you will get rejected and your ideas and solutions with it. People need to find out and realize for themselves what the problem is, when the problem is clear and accepted, the solution will be as well.

Today the talk about Bitcoin is mostly about the price and there is a lot of “debate” about the technical aspects of Bitcoin. There is even a fork with the word ‘vision’ in it. But I rarely get visionary visions about what the success of Bitcoin would mean for humanity. I see a lot of ego’s being angry and projecting their anger. Are these influential people, or their ego’s, also withholding humanity from its next big step towards a better existence for everyone? Do they ever question themselves that? They should.

I’m not implying that they should not speak up when they are convinced about something. But one should always consider that one may be wrong. Question yourself and your believes, often. If you get mad like a kid while arguing you’re not going to convince a lot of people, you will push most of the people away even.

Where are the marketing and communication professionals in our community? We should have a plan to educate the mass without scaring them. We need to take their hands and gently show them what is happening to our societies for the last century. We need to make them realize that the price of a Bitcoin is the least interesting thing, even that’s the only thing their media sources tell them about. We need to show them that they can be part of the biggest (r)evolution mankind has ever seen. We need to make the mass understand how to use Bitcoin, and why it isn’t as easy as using a bank.

I’m thinking about how to do all this, but I soon realized I’m not smart enough. On the Bitcoin forms I couldn’t really find anything on this. And, to be honest, I didn’t try very hard. I’m not experienced with using forms and find it hard to find my way on them.

Let’s find a way to build a place for the regular person to educate themselves. Without trying to sell them anything or giving them the feeling we are trying to sell them anything. Let’s build that place; With professionals in marketing, communication, economics, design, UX and UI etc.

Or is there already a place like that? If so, please let me know and let’s make it so that people can easily find that place.

If you want to help out build a place like this reach out to me.

