Naming your round is a bad idea

Paul Singh
1 min readMay 15, 2017


Seed. Pre-seed. Pre-A. Series A. Bridge. Just stop.

There are so many names given to people’s fundraising these day. And they mean nothing.

If you name your round, you’re unintentionally allowing investors to make some judgements about the status of your company.

Bridge round? Oh, so you’re running out of money?

Pre-seed? WTF is that?

Series A? Ah, so you’re about a $1M run rate?

Seed? I’m going to bet this is going to be a $500K ask.

If you’re raising money, just say that you’re raising money. Don’t put a title on it.

If you’re raising money, just say that you’re raising money. Don’t put a title on it. Click To Tweet


If you’re looking for more actionable tips on raising money for your company, check out fundraising for startups.

Originally published at Results Junkies.



Paul Singh

Dad. Entrepreneur. Speaker. Investor. Airstreamer. Past: Founder @disruptioncorp (acq by @1776), Partner @500Startups, EIR at USCIS / DHS.