Task Pigeon Releases Major Update As User Numbers Continue To Grow (Here the Founder Shares His Thoughts)

Paul Towers
Task Pigeon
Published in
3 min readAug 28, 2018

As a Bootstrapped and solo founder it can often be hard knowing when to pull the trigger on another major investment into your company or product.

I faced that question a couple of months back when I took stock of where Task Pigeon was and where I wanted it to go.

I was energized by the signing of a team from a $1bn UK company to Task Pigeon, as well as interest from teams across a number of well known and established tech companies (in addition to the general uptick in new users I see each month).

These were companies/teams I didn’t think Task Pigeon would be attracting at this stage of our life.

But despite this success something was still nagging at me.

I had previously deployed the funds I had available to get Task Pigeon to the stage it was at. The “task tile” view worked extremely well, but our list view and Kanban board was lacking in design and functionality.

Across the board I define this by saying Task Pigeon was a 6 out of 10 on the design front. In order to improve the rate at which we can attract companies like the ones I listed above, and to continue to improve retention, I knew design would play a critical role. I needed to get it to an 8.5/10 at a minimum.

That’s why I decided to commit to a major update of Task Pigeon without losing any of the core functionality or design considerations that our users have come to know and love.

So without further ado I’m pleased to announce the launch of the latest version of Task Pigeon:


We pushed a soft launch of this last week so if you are an existing Task Pigeon user you would have already noticed the change in your account. For everyone else, welcome to the new and improved version of Task Pigeon.

As you can see this is a major step up / improvement for Task Pigeon. As the Founder and CEO this update primary has three goals:

  1. Ensure that design is not an issue that turns potential new users away from Task Pigeon.
  2. Provide an improved user experience (especially for List and Kanban Board views) to increase conversion to paid accounts and cut down on churn.
  3. Improve behind the scenes functionality associated with in app notifications for a smoother user experience.

For this last goal you will now notice that if a team member adds or edits a task you do not need to refresh the screen (or perform an action) for your own dashboard to update. Everything now works dynamically, with changes reflected in real time.

This major update coincides with a period of consistent growth for Task Pigeon. Both in terms of new sign ups and engagement from our existing user base.

Here’s our user sign up numbers over the last few months.

And the amount of tasks they create (top line).

I look forward to continuing to grow and develop Task Pigeon as we on-board more users and increase the number of paying customers.

Originally published at Task Pigeon Blog.

