Why Task Pigeon Is An Effective Task Management Tool For Startups

Paul Towers
Task Pigeon
Published in
5 min readFeb 7, 2018

As the Founder or CEO of a new startup you undoubtedly have a lot on your plate. The number of tasks you and your startup need to complete on a daily, weekly and monthly basis seems to grow exponentially.

That’s why startups (and established companies alike) often turn to task management solutions like Task Pigeon. But this isn’t a catch all article for every company or business ever created. Its a look at why startups can specifically benefit from Task Pigeon’s approach to task management.

Speed Is Critical

Why Task Pigeon Is An Effective Task Management Tool For Startups - Speed

One of the most important aspects in any startup is your ability to move fast and execute on new ideas and campaigns quickly. Often a project can change and morph at a moments notice based on new user insights, changes in the industry or new competition.

As a result rigid project management solutions are often overkill for fast moving and nimble startups. When I originally sat down to flesh out my vision for Task Pigeon I designed in to work just the way I needed it to. I.e. to quickly show me the information and let me get on with the job.

Task Pigeon allows for the rapid creation and assignment of tasks all without the overhead of complex project management workflows and endless check-boxes.

You Don’t Have Time To Train Everyone In Admin Functions

Why Task Pigeon Is An Effective Task Management Tool For Startups - Training

As a startup you are typically trying to hire A class players who can just get the job done. But even if you have technically exceptional staff not everyone is familiar with project management solutions that exist on the market.

The time delay alone of training and on-boarding staff in these systems can often mean the difference between scoring a new customer, adding a critical feature or achieving a milestone on time or not.

That’s why startups need a flexible, easy to use task management application that people can just use without the need for training. Task Pigeon was design with this very goal in mind. The last thing we wanted to create was something that requires days (or even hours) of training.

Once you have invited your team they can login and instantly know how to use Task Pigeon. It requires virtually no training.

Startups Support Startups

Why Task Pigeon Is An Effective Task Management Tool For Startups - Startup Support

I am a firm believer that other startup founders want to help other startup founders. That’s why I created the Task Pigeon transparency blog. It’s where I share everything I have learned about building Task Pigeon and also share all of our revenue, expenditure and user statistics.

If you sign up to Task Pigeon I also open myself up to helping you in any way I can. Not a week goes by where I don’t speak with other startups and founders about their idea, marketing strategies and in particular how I got Task Pigeon built as a non-technical founder.

Now, I’m not saying you should just use Task Pigeon because we are a startup, like you, but I truly believe there is synergy to be gained by working with and using the tools of other startups. Being immersed in the startup community, no matter where you are located in the world, always throws up interesting opportunities. And you need to be in and amongst the crowd to take advantage of those opportunities.

Low Cost

Why Task Pigeon Is An Effective Task Management Tool For Startups - Low Cost

All startups want to keep costs and their burn in check. Task Pigeon is ideally suited for startups who want a free task management tool to get them up and running. Task Pigeon is free for teams of under 5 and even if you do go over that limit or want to upgrade to unlock additional features on our premium tier then it’s just one low price of $9 per user, per month.

In contrast to some of our competitors we also charge our lowest price even if you only sign up on a monthly basis (in fact we don’t even have annual plans). Normally, the headline price you see on other task management sites is only if you lock in for a year. But as a fast moving startup how what your needs are going to be in a year? Let alone a month or too.

So save money and don’t lock yourself into an annual contract. Choose Task Pigeon instead.

Growth With Task Pigeon

Why Task Pigeon Is An Effective Task Management Tool For Startups - Growth With Task Pigeon

Chances are as your startup grows you are going to find new use cases and functions that you require. The good news is that Task Pigeon has a detailed product road map and we are continuing to build and iterate on our product each and every week.

There is a great chance Task Pigeon keeps in step with your startup and as you grow and develop you will find that some of our newer features are exactly what you are after.

If you are a startup (or even if you aren’t) you can sign up for Task Pigeon for FREE. All accounts get a free 14 day trial of our premium/business account. After that you can choose to upgrade to our paid tier or continue on the free tier forever.

Originally published at Task Pigeon Blog.

