Why You Should Not Sleep With Your Smartphone At Night

5 min readMar 14, 2019
UK Sleeping Pill

If you are like most of the people, the last thing you look at before going to sleep may be your phone. How might this affect your potential to sleep? Did you sleep with your phone in the bedroom? What are the potential unwanted effects of keeping your phone near the bed? Evaluate how sleeping near a phone may affect your ability to sleep, and some changes that can make you help you sleep better tonight.

How Smartphones Differ in Impacting Sleep?

Alexander Graham Bell is the person who invented the first telephone in 1876. In the last several decades a dramatic change has occurred in the role and function of our lives. Now there is no longer way to speak with someone at a distance, modern phones have a variety of roles.

Cellphone, mobile, or smartphones are now fully integrated into our daily lives. We can perform many necessary activities for modern living by these marvels of technology functions as pocket-sized computers. It is easier to send text messages, make phone calls, surf the internet, respond to email, map a route and interact via social media like Twitter and Facebook. We can easily play games and use apps to perform a stunning array of tasks. Also, there is no surprise that these functions may have the potential to intrude upon our sleep.

Many of these activities may prompt a compulsive desire to continue checking, refreshing, scrolling, playing, posting, reading or responding. It is difficult to stop and put the device away from ourselves, this alone may the reason for the delay in bedtime which reduces total sleep time. This is the reason which may contribute to the sleep deprivation if the needed hours of restful sleep is not obtained. Sometimes the mind becomes excited or activated that makes it hard to shut down and fall asleep.

The light from a tablet, phone or computer screens may impact the ability to fall asleep. While small amounts of artificial light from the screens may cause a delay in sleep. However, if morning sunlight is not obtained to counteract these effects, insomnia and daytime sleepiness may result.

The Risk Of Keeping a Phone in the Bedroom

The Risk Of Keeping a Phone in the Bedroom

There are certain why should keep your phone out of your bedroom. Thus it makes it easier to avoid prolonged use of the phone when you should be transitioning to sleep. It also prevents the compulsive checking that wakes up you in the night. If you suddenly wake at night and read something upsetting, then it would be difficult for you to get back to sleep.

Phones are designed to trigger your response, there may be alarms, rings or, lights that catch your attention. These lights are useful when awake but troublesome during the sleep in the night. If you are already fallen asleep, but forget to place your phone in an air-plane or night mode, random text messages and phone calls may wake you. This can disturb your sleep quality, or it might also wake you up from restorative sleep resulting in sleepy speech or sleep-texting.

Some people also express the concern about the impact of electromagnetic fields on the risks for health problems. These concerns include the risk for brain tumours or the impacts on fertility. The World Health Organization issued a warning in 2011 that the devices could be potentially carcinogenic, though there is no research demonstrating such an association. Therefore you should reduce the exposure by eliminating the presence of phones from bedrooms.

Changes to Make to Improve Your Sleep Tonight:

It is clear that the phone may disturb the quality of sleep. If you suffer from ongoing insomnia or simply don’t get enough sleep, this is a simple that might help you to get healthy sleep. Reflect on how much your phone may impact your sleep environment consider the following changes:

Place the phone to charge in the kitchen: Allow yourself to go to bed without your mobile phone. While if there is an emergency, you can learn about it in the morning. By removing the phone from your bedroom and charge in another room like a kitchen, it is possible to reduce the impact on your healthy sleep.

Get an alarm in place of using your phone’s alarm: In spite of the fact that phones can do a lot, sometimes the trade-off of intrusion for convenience is simply not worth it. Simply purchase an inexpensive alarm clock if you want one to wake you up in the morning on time. Place the alarm clock across the room, and set the time that you need to get up. Also, don’t look at the clock or check the time at night. If you totally use your phone as an alarm clock, set it to air-plane mode to reduce the disruptions of sleep and place it out of your reach.

Turn-off the sleep tracking apps in your phone: Some person operates their phone as a way to track sleep and wake patterns with various apps or even with new technology. In Addition, there is no reason to carefully analyze every movement during the night. It may also be troublesome to over analyze your sleep.

Maintain the sleep environment: Choose other ways that you might boost your room to make it the ultimate sleep sanctuary. If you are awake from longer than 20 minutes during the night, get up and do something relaxing and then return to bed when feeling sleepy. If you are awake in the morning, you should get up and start your day early, and reserve the bed for sleep and sex alone. While making all these changes in your sleep pattern, you will be able to improve the association of bed as a place for sleep.

Make Efforts Sleep Well:

Make your best efforts to aside technology in its place. These gadgets ate designed to strengthen our lives, but they can also prove intrusive if not contained. Take a decision to remove your phone from the bedroom while sleeping. This small change may help you to enhance your ability to sleep well and ensure that you might get enough quality sleep to feel rested. Moreover, if you are struggling with poor sleep pattern, reach-out to a sleep specialist to get the quality sleep you require. More information visit UK Sleeping pill




I am Mark Paul . I am a Pharmaceutical scientist and a blogger. currently i am working in https://www.uksleepingpill.com.