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Mcquiston Enciso
1 min readSep 28, 2022

The sound editors of the motion picture announced the nominations for the most exquisite 69th annual golden drum awards here, covering feature film, television, animation, online pokies real money australia computer pranks, and student productions. The awards will be presented on march 13 during a virtual event regarding covid-19.

Dune”, “resurrection of the matrix”, “alley of nightmares” and “a quiet place, part ii” are leading in this test of films with three nominations each in the effects sections/ foley, dialogues/adr and melodies. The sequels “dune”, “matrix” and “a quiet place” are also nominated for an oscar in the field of sound. All the films shortlisted for the 2020 academy awards in the sound section received at least one mpse nomination; the list closes with belfast, last night in soho, no free time to die, the power of the dog, spider-man: there is no way home”, “tick, tick”. …Boom!

