Importance of Foreign Policies and Affairs

Paul Young
2 min readOct 22, 2023



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What is Foreign Policies and Affairs?

general objectives that guide the activities and relationships of one state in its interactions with other states. The development of foreign policy is influenced by domestic considerations, the policies or behaviour of other states, or plans to advance specific geopolitical designs. Leopold von Ranke emphasized the primacy of geography and external threats in shaping foreign policy, but later writers emphasized domestic factors. Diplomacy is the tool of foreign policy, and war, alliances, and international trade may all be manifestations of it.

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Key challenges with foreign policy issues

  1. China and its global control
  2. Climate change and Energy Management
  3. Disease Management
  4. Counter terrorism
  5. Cybersecurity and Digital Policy
  6. Defense
  7. Diplomacy and Foreign Aid
  8. Economic Policy
  9. Immigration
  10. Middle East
  11. North Korea
  12. Russia
  13. Trade / Protectionism
  14. Venezuela and Latin America

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Each and every country has their own foreign policies. The key is how best to work with other countries in a diplomatically way. Countries may not agree on everything but the need to find common ground as part of overall global diplomacy.

What needs to happen to strengthen foreign policy?

  1. Better balance between protecting while growing the economy in a sustainable way.
  2. More oversight of foreign aid to ensure aid is going towards its intended purposes — United Nations has play a bigger role with oversight including audits of all funds.
  3. Elimination of the Iran threat in the Middle East —
  4. WHO needs to implement stronger governance of their various programs including more performance audits —
  5. Cost of adopting ESG policies is a concern to both the public and private sector organizations —
  6. Redefining NATO role as part of global peace and security —
  7. Eliminating government corruption across the globe —
  8. Developing natural resources that reflect both the environment/biodiversity and Human Rights —
  9. Countries around the world need to address sustainable food practices —
  10. Mitigating the geopolitical risks and threats through better coordination of data and working with different countries to resolve key issues —

Foreign Policy is never an easy area. The key is to ensure that you keep open and honest dialogue with countries. The last thing you want to do as a country is isolate yourself!

Paul Young CPA CGA

Senior Data and AI Thought Leader Geopolitical Risks and Threats



Paul Young

Senior Data and Thought Leader that has worked with some of the largest organizations in the world on data and AI.