Published inBootcampHow to get nice insights from a user testing ✨In this article, we are going to discuss a case of improving the search experience of a specific brand or model of users on a website for…Sep 15, 2022Sep 15, 2022
Published inBootcampHow to manage the change of the objective for the quarterideation — brainstormingJul 7, 2022Jul 7, 2022
Facilitator role: rules and scopeYou know when your team/squad wants to have more ownership and encourage everyone’s participation? This is for you mah buddy!May 4, 2022May 4, 2022
How to prioritize tasks to make an MVPWe had a situation to solve: as a team we had to be able to generate an MVP in a period of 2 weeks. The product area, specifically the…Jan 7, 2022Jan 7, 2022
El análisis heurísticoHola! Soy Troy McClure, quizá me recuerden de otros posts cómo… En realidad no soy Troy sólo un diseñador dando sus primeros pasos en…Oct 22, 2021Oct 22, 2021