Kotlin Pro Tips: Elevate Your Skills

Pavan Bilagi
5 min readAug 5, 2024


Photo by Marc Reichelt on Unsplash

In modern software development, Kotlin excels with its concise syntax and seamless Java integration. This article explores Kotlin’s handy features that enhance coding practices, offering practical tips to improve your projects' expressiveness, efficiency, and maintainability.

1. Delegation

Delegation in Kotlin is a powerful feature that allows you to delegate the implementation of an interface or a class to another object. This can be particularly useful for code reuse, simplifying class hierarchies, and implementing design patterns like Proxy or Decorator.

There are two main types of delegation in Kotlin:

Class Delegation: You can delegate the implementation of an interface to another object using the by keyword. This is done by creating an instance of a class that implements the interface and then using that instance to fulfill the interface's methods.

interface Printer {
fun print(message: String)

class SimplePrinter : Printer {
override fun print(message: String) {
println("Printing: $message")

class DelegatingPrinter(printer: Printer) : Printer by printer

fun main() {
val printer = SimplePrinter()
val delegatingPrinter = DelegatingPrinter(printer)
delegatingPrinter.print("Hello, Kotlin!")

In this example, DelegatingPrinter delegates the implementation of the Printer interface to an instance of SimplePrinter.

Property Delegation: Kotlin also provides built-in support for property delegation, allowing you to delegate a property's access and modification to another object. This is done using delegated properties, which are defined with the by keyword.

Kotlin provides several standard delegates, such as lazy, observable, and vetoable. Here's an example of using the lazy delegate:

class Example {
val lazyValue: String by lazy {
"Hello, Kotlin!"

fun main() {
val example = Example()
println(example.lazyValue) // Computed! \n Hello, Kotlin!
println(example.lazyValue) // Hello, Kotlin!

In this example, lazyValue is initialized only when it is first accessed, and the result is cached for subsequent accesses.

2. Inline functions

Inline functions in Kotlin are a feature that allows you to improve performance by reducing the overhead of function calls. When you mark a function as inlinethe Kotlin compiler attempts to inline the function’s body directly at each call site. This can be particularly useful for higher-order functions, which take other functions as parameters.

inline fun log(tag: String, message: () -> String) {
val logMessage = message()
println("$tag: $logMessage")


fun main() {
log("MyTag") { "This is a log message" }

In the above code inline keyword in the log function ensures that the lambda message is directly inserted into the log function call, avoiding the overhead of creating a lambda object.

3. Destructuring data classes

Destructuring in Kotlin allows you to unpack data class properties into separate variables in a concise and readable manner. This feature is particularly useful for working with data classes, as it provides a convenient way to extract individual properties.

data class User(val name: String, val age: Int, val email: String)

fun main() {
// Create an instance of User
val user = User(name = "Alice", age = 30, email = "alice@example.com")

// Destructure the User object
val (name, age, email) = user

// Use the destructured variables
println("Name: $name")
println("Age: $age")
println("Email: $email")

In the above code User data class has three properties: name, age, and email .In the main function, the line val (name, age, email) = user destructures the user object. This syntax automatically extracts the values of the properties into separate variables named name, age, and email.

4. Type alias

In Kotlin a typealias allows you to create a new name for an existing type. This can be useful for simplifying complex type declarations, improving code readability, or making your code more expressive.

data class User(val name: String, val age: Int)

typealias UserList = List<User>
fun printUserList(users: UserList) {
users.forEach { user ->
println("Name: ${user.name}, Age: ${user.age}")

fun main() {
val users: UserList = listOf(User("Alice", 30), User("Bob", 25))

In the above code, UserList is a type alias for List<User>, which makes the function signature more expressive and easier to understand.

5. Inline value classes

Inline value classes in Kotlin provide a way to create a lightweight wrapper around a single value without the overhead of object allocation. They are useful for defining types that represent a single value but should be treated as distinct types in your code.

value class Currency(val code: String)

value class Amount(val value: Double)

data class Transaction(val amount: Amount, val currency: Currency)

fun printTransaction(transaction: Transaction) {
println("Transaction: ${transaction.amount.value} ${transaction.currency.code}")

fun main() {
val usd = Currency("USD")
val amount = Amount(100.0)
val transaction = Transaction(amount, usd)

printTransaction(transaction) // Output: Transaction: 100.0 USD

In the above code,Currency wraps a String representing the currency code (e.g., "USD").Amount wraps a Double representing the amount of money. Create instances of Currency and Amount to represent a specific currency and amount. Combine these into a Transaction data class, which uses these value classes to ensure the proper association of amount and currency.

6. Operator overloading

Operator overloading in Kotlin lets you define custom behavior for operators (like `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`) with your classes. This makes custom types act like built-in types, improving code readability and expressiveness. To overload an operator, use the operator modifier on a function in your class.

data class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int) {

// Define custom behavior for the + operator
operator fun plus(other: Point): Point {
return Point(this.x + other.x, this.y + other.y)

fun main() {
val point1 = Point(1, 2)
val point2 = Point(3, 4)
val combinedPoint = point1 + point2

println(combinedPoint) // Output: Point(x=4, y=6)

In the above code, the + an operator is overloaded for the Point class to add the x and y coordinates of two Point instances. This allows for intuitive vector addition using the + operator, resulting in a new Point with combined coordinates.

7. Result

Handling exceptional situations in Kotlin can be efficiently managed using the Result type. The Result type represents a value that can either be a successful outcome or an error. This approach is useful for managing and propagating errors without resorting to exceptions, which can be more cumbersome to handle.

fun divide(a: Int, b: Int): Result<Int> {
return if (b != 0) {
Result.success(a / b)
} else {
Result.failure(ArithmeticException("Cannot divide by zero"))

fun main() {
val result = divide(10, 0)

result.onSuccess { value ->
println("Division result: $value")
}.onFailure { exception ->
println("Error: ${exception.message}")

In this example, divide returns a Result indicating whether the division was successful or resulted in an error. The main function handles the result and prints appropriate messages based on success or failure.

Using Result in Kotlin helps in writing cleaner and more predictable code, especially when dealing with operations that might fail.


Kotlin’s advanced features, including Delegation, Inline Functions, Destructuring Data Classes, Type Aliases, Inline Value Classes, Result, and Operator Overloading enhance code expressiveness and efficiency. They simplify object composition, boost performance, and improve type safety, readability, and clarity. Mastering these tools can elevate your Kotlin programming and streamline your development process.

