7 Common Traits of Ridiculously Successful People You Can Follow Today and Become Almost Successful (Revised Edition)

Pavan Belagatti
6 min readMar 26, 2017


Inspiration can come from anywhere, but one of my favorite sources is the people who inspire others to overcome their fears, challenges, and difficulties. We all know that the world’s successful people are known and celebrated for different reasons. Some are famous for their skills & talents, some are famous because of their profound impact on the society but if you have noticed one thing, they all have something in common.

Success is difficult and hence there is a saying ‘If it was easy, everybody would do it’. Every human being on the earth one or the other way want to be successful but at what cost? Depends on his will. There is no any math attached so you can calculate the percentage of success and It is highly impossible to predict why some people are successful and why some are not but we can generalize the traits that successful people tend to have. You might be thinking now, who the hell am I to write this article being an unknown to the larger crowd here? Who cares if I write it? Am I a successful person? Well, I would say there is no any rule that only successful people should talk about successful people. I read a lot and I am one of the youngest growth hackers (well, that’s what people call me in India) a guest blogger on various popular developer websites like TheNextWeb, DZone, JAXenter, Linux Foundation, InfoQ, I amWire etc

Being a marketing guy, I get opportunities to interact with some famous authors and other marketers around the world. In my 4 years of digital marketing career, I look up to some experts and follow them. When I say growth hacking, I would say, Neil Patel, when I say Adwords, I would pick Larry Kim and when it comes to SEO, I will choose Rand Fishkin.

After analyzing some facts, figures and reading about these experts, I have come across my own list of facts that distinguish successful people from the crowd.

Are you excited to know the traits of these successful people, here you go!

1. They always give back to the community and help others to succeed in their life

Take any industry, you might have noticed experts having their website and blog. You could see some of these guys sharing almost everything about their success on their blog. You will see them writing how to kind of posts, tutorials, videos and one important thing I must include, they respond back to each and every individual commenting on their blogs/articles. They make sure it is reaching the right audience and the people who are in need.

2. They set their priorities straight and hence don’t waste time on silly things

Successful people know their priorities. They keep track of their time and that is the reason they end up doing more work than normal people. They make a to-do checklist for the day and try to accomplish those tasks and hence there will be no any chance of wasting time on silly things. They don’t give a damn about what others think about them.

3. They follow their own path and not the crowd

These guys have their own time table and work accordingly. They hate working on set norms like most of us do. They always try to set their goals so high that even they miss the moon, end up hitting stars. They don’t wait for others to start their day.

4. They read a lot of books and articles on the internet for slef improvement

These guys read a lot of books and always follow market trends to know what is happening around. They read leadership books and articles from reputed websites like Forbes, NewYork Times, Mashable, TheGuardian etc

5. Successful people give a lot of importance to look good and stay healthy

These guys take care of their body as their one of the biggest assets. They believe in this saying ‘Health is Wealth’ and hence they work out regularly. This makes them feel good and gives the confidence to start off the day.

6. They write down their short term goals and read them everyday

These people write down their short term goals on a sheet of paper and stick it to the place they look every day just to remind themselves ofthese goals.

7. They always take risks, challenge themselves and feel comfortable in the uncomfortable situations

These guys always want to level up personally and mentally and so they take up a lot of challenges and push their limits. They are happy being uncomfortable since they consider it as one of the growth factors. These people don’t follow rules and hence sleeping for 7 hours rule doesn’t resonate with them.

Do you remember how Leonardo Dicaprio won the Oscars award? I can sum up his struggle with this one tweet (BTW, this tweet of mine went viral on the Oscars day)

Ending note:

All I tried here is to inspire at least some of you by this article. Learn to struggle and hustle your way. Straighten up your priorities in life, ask yourself what you want to be and if you know the answer already then don’t look back. I am sure you would notice bad and good things on the way, you get a lot of rejections. Always remember, hope is a good thing and may be the best thing in the world.

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Pavan Belagatti

Developer Evangelist | AI/ML| DevOps | Data Science! Currently working at SingleStore as a Developer Evangelist.