Growth Hacking DevOps

Pavan Belagatti
3 min readNov 29, 2016


Growth Hacking and Continuous Deployment? How the heck both are connected? Yes, they are connected. To know why, you need to read through this article.

What’s the objective of Growth Hacking?

Growth Hacker is a person who is a blend of marketing and programming.

It is all about getting exponential business results through test and try methods by exploring different possible opportunities that you can ethically grow your business from. Reaping the full benefit, like how Airbnb, Hotmail, Dropbox etc did by automating things through Growth Hacking tools.

What’s the objective of Continuous Deployment?

Automating most of the repetitive and mundane software development tasks in a software powered organization so that the organization can grow fast by delivering features to their audience. It reduces the time to market and enables continuous feedback by customers to improve the product and get things done with speed. Continuous Deployment follows continuous delivery, where the code is automatically deployed to production when it passes the automated tests.

Can you see the similarity between Growth Hacking & Continuous Deployment now?

Both, in turn are directly responsible for the growth of the organization and this applies more when it comes to software powered organizations.

Now, you can consider Continuous Deployment tools as Growth Hacking tools.

For example, tools like Shippable, Codeship, Snap CI etc can be called as Growth Hacking platforms since they all help you automate your tests and make deployment faster.

The Need for DevOps Practice :

DevOps is not any tools, DevOps is a set of principles that help make cultural shift (change) in an organization. To make DevOps work in an organization, you need some set of tools that foster the cultural change and break the silos. Continuous deployment tools listed above are such tools that help organizations practice DevOps and go agile.

Change is difficult and hence many software organizations still don’t practice DevOps and are lacking the Growth Hacking opportunity.

It’s time to move to the next level and embrace DevOps inside the organization. To make DevOps come true, you need to make sure to use certain tools that help you succeed in DevOps.

Choosing the right set of DevOps tools is very important. Here are the set of tools that we have identified as good ones.

  1. Plan : GitHub, JIRA
  2. Build : Docker, Bitbucket, Puppet
  3. Continuous integration : Shippable, Codeship, Travis CI
  4. Deploy : Heroku & Amazon Web Services
  5. Operate : Splunk, Botmetric, PagerDuty
  6. Continuous Feedback : Github

Happy Continuous Deployment and Growth Hacking folks.



Pavan Belagatti

Developer Evangelist | AI/ML| DevOps | Data Science! Currently working at SingleStore as a Developer Evangelist.