Unleashing the Power of Angular: 6 Best Free Component Libraries In 2024

Pavel Salauyou
4 min readNov 23, 2023



Angular, a popular front-end framework developed and maintained by Google, has gained widespread acclaim for its flexibility, scalability, and robust features. One of the key reasons behind Angular’s success is its extensive ecosystem of libraries and tools. In particular, Angular component libraries play a crucial role in accelerating development by providing pre-built, customizable UI components.

For developers looking to enhance their Angular projects without breaking the bank, free component libraries offer a valuable resource. In this article, we’ll explore the top 6 free Angular component libraries that can help streamline development and deliver a polished user experience.

1. Angular Material

Angular Material stands out as one of the most widely used and comprehensive component libraries for Angular. Developed by the Angular team at Google, it provides a set of high-quality UI components following Google’s Material Design guidelines. The library includes components like buttons, forms, navigation elements, and more, all styled consistently for a cohesive look and feel.

Key Features:

  • Material Design components
  • 36+ UI Angular components
  • Responsive layout support
  • Theming and customization options
  • Accessibility features
  • Support Angular 17

2. PrimeNG

PrimeNG is a powerful open-source UI component library for Angular, offering a rich set of components for web applications. It covers a wide range of UI elements, from basic form controls to advanced data tables and charts. PrimeNG is known for its ease of use and extensive documentation, making it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced developers.

Key Features:

3. NG Bootstrap

NG Bootstrap is a library that brings Bootstrap components to Angular, offering a seamless integration of the popular CSS framework into Angular applications. By leveraging the power of Bootstrap, developers can quickly incorporate responsive and mobile-friendly components without the need for extra javascript libraries. NG Bootstrap is easy to use and is actively maintained by the community.

Key Features:

  • If you know Angular and Bootstrap CSS, you also know ng-bootstrap.
  • Bootstrap 5.3+ components
  • Support Angular 17
  • Responsive design
  • Customization options
  • All the widgets (components) are accessible

4. Ant Design for Angular (NgZorro)

Ant Design for Angular brings the popular Ant Design system to Angular developers. With a focus on a clean and efficient design, this library provides a wide range of components suitable for various applications. It follows the Ant Design principles, offering a unified and aesthetically pleasing user interface.

Key Features:

  • 68+ UI Angular components
  • Ant Design components
  • Theming support
  • Rich set of UI elements
  • Comprehensive documentation
  • Support Angular 17

5. Nebular

Nebular is a powerful and customizable UI library for Angular developed by Akveo. It comes with a variety of components and features, making it a popular choice for building modern web applications. Nebular is known for its flexibility, theming capabilities, and a modular architecture that allows developers to pick and choose the components they need.

Key Features:

  • 40+ UI Angular components
  • Customizable and themable components
  • Modular architecture
  • Authentication and security features
  • Responsive design

Taiga UI

Taiga UI is a user interface (UI) component library for Angular, a popular web application framework. Taiga UI provides a set of well-designed and customizable UI components that developers can use to build modern and responsive web applications.

The library includes components such as buttons, forms, tables, modals, and more, designed to follow the principles of Material Design. Material Design is a design language developed by Google that emphasizes the use of grid-based layouts, responsive animations, and a consistent visual hierarchy.


As the Angular ecosystem continues to evolve, free component libraries play a crucial role in empowering developers to build sophisticated and visually appealing applications. Whether you’re working on a small project or a large-scale enterprise application, these five free Angular component libraries provide a solid foundation for creating responsive, accessible, and feature-rich user interfaces. Choose the library that best fits your project requirements and dive into a world of accelerated Angular development.

