How to get rid of chaos using checklists?

Pavel Triandafilov
2 min readJun 25, 2019


Sooner or later everyone faced their time management issue. If you read this article you are probably one of them and you want to get rid of chaos in your head. Today we are going to talk about checklists and how tremendously helpful it can be.

Generally checklist is nothing more than list of doings stucked in your head written down on anything. It can be any doings, whether home stuff or work, it doesn’t matter. The point is — in the end you have the list of all your doings and you are able to concentrate on each task separately. Then you just take one task when you’re ready, deal with it, mark it as done and repeat. It is as simple as profitable.

But lets go through some features each checklist should have:

  1. You should be able to categorise it. It’s clear — categories helps you divide your doings by categories (home, work, health, and so on).
  2. You should be able to mark it as completed
  3. You should be able to plan each task by dates.
  4. It’s also useful to have a reminder about doings you have planed

Okay, you got it. Now it’s time to find a good tool which fits all our requirements. Let’s have a look at TodoX. Todox is completely free, so just open it and start your checklist

  1. Add categories

2. Add tasks

3. Plan it

4. Mark it as done

Todox also reminds you about your task via emails. Quite helpful.

I hope it’s enough. Feel free to comment and share. Thank you!

