How to Avoid Recomposition Loops in Jetpack Compose

Pavel Bo
3 min readNov 14, 2024


Photo by Tine Ivanič on Unsplash

Jetpack Compose is a powerful tool that simplifies creating UIs in Android, but it also presents a learning curve for developers. Many encounter unexpected behavior and issues that may not seem obvious at first glance. In this article, we’ll look at one such issue — how to prevent recomposition from getting stuck in a loop in Compose.

Example Code

Let’s start with an example:

data class MyDataClass(  
val i: Int = 0,
val block: () -> Unit = {},

class MyScreenViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val dataSource = MutableSharedFlow<Int>(1)

val stateValue: StateFlow<MyDataClass>
get() = dataSource
.map { number ->
MyDataClass(number, { println("Hello, World!") })
.stateIn(viewModelScope, SharingStarted.Eagerly, MyDataClass())

fun MyScreen(viewModel: MyScreenViewModel) {
Log.d("[TAG]", "Recomposition!")

val state by viewModel.stateValue.collectAsStateWithLifecycle()
val checked = remember { mutableStateOf(false) }

Column {
checked = checked.value,
onCheckedChange = { isChecked -> checked.value = isChecked }
Text("state: ${state.i}")

At first glance, this code seems fine. But if you run it, toggle the checkbox, and check LogCat or Layout Inspector, you’ll see that recomposition is stuck in a loop.

Recomposition Loops

Why does this happen? Let’s investigate.

Understanding the Problem

The core of the problem lies in the collectAsStateWithLifecycle() extension function. Here’s what it looks like under the hood:

fun <T> Flow<T>.collectAsStateWithLifecycle(
initialValue: T,
lifecycle: Lifecycle,
minActiveState: Lifecycle.State = Lifecycle.State.STARTED,
context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext
): State<T> {
return produceState(initialValue, this, lifecycle, minActiveState, context) {
lifecycle.repeatOnLifecycle(minActiveState) {
if (context == EmptyCoroutineContext) {
this@collectAsStateWithLifecycle.collect { this@produceState.value = it }
} else withContext(context) {
this@collectAsStateWithLifecycle.collect { this@produceState.value = it }

fun <T> produceState(
initialValue: T,
vararg keys: Any?,
producer: suspend ProduceStateScope<T>.() -> Unit
): State<T> {
val result = remember { mutableStateOf(initialValue) }
LaunchedEffect(keys = keys) {
ProduceStateScopeImpl(result, coroutineContext).producer()
return result

The function creates a Compose state and subscribes to the flow using LaunchedEffect, allowing us to observe new values emitted by the flow.

So, now we can see two key issues in our code:

  1. Each time we access stateValue, a new StateFlow instance is created because the get() block in stateValue re-evaluates, which leads to a new LaunchedEffect being triggered in collectAsStateWithLifecycle() and a new subscription being added;
  2. Each new StateFlow instance creates a new MyDataClass instance, which, despite being a data class, is not comparable due to the lambda function inside it. Consequently, Compose treats each new instance as a distinct value, triggering a recomposition.

Why Lambdas Are Not Comparable

A simple expression like:

{ println("Hello, World!") } != { println("Hello, World!") }

may look surprising but illustrates the issue here. Lambdas in Kotlin are instances of FunctionX interfaces (where X represents the number of parameters). Thus, two FunctionX instances are only considered equal by reference, not by content.

// An example of a FunctionX: Function3 with 3 input parameters

public interface Function3<in P1, in P2, in P3, out R> : kotlin.Function<R> {
public abstract operator fun invoke(p1: P1, p2: P2, p3: P3): R


To fix this problem, we have two options:

  1. Exclude the lambda from equals and hashCode calculations in MyDataClass. This prevents unnecessary recompositions by ensuring MyDataClass(1, {}) objects are seen as equal;
  2. Make stateValue stable by avoiding the re-evaluation of the get() function, so it does not create a new StateFlow instance on each access.

The most optimal solution is to combine both approaches, as shown below:

data class MyDataClass(  
val i: Int = 1,
val block: () -> Unit = {},
) {
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false

other as MyDataClass
return i == other.i

override fun hashCode(): Int {
return i

class MyScreenViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val dataSource = MutableSharedFlow<Int>(1)

val stateValue: StateFlow<MyDataClass> = dataSource
.map { number -> MyDataClass(number, { println("Hello, World!") }) }
.stateIn(viewModelScope, SharingStarted.Eagerly, MyDataClass())

Thank you for reading! If you found this article helpful, please give it an applaud and share your thoughts in the comments. Your feedback helps me improve!



Pavel Bo
Pavel Bo

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