How I Traveled Across Continents With No Job and No Money for Years

Pavel Cherkasov
Travel Hacks
Published in
6 min readOct 6, 2014


Or a simple guide on what to do if you don’t want to “grow the fuck up and get a real job”.

Original version posted at No Point Of Reference blog. To read more stuff like this follow @pavelc on Twitter and No Point Of Reference on Facebook.

Normal life

I have always been afraid of entering the system and being sucked into mindless daily routines of office jobs.

I wanted to be adventurous and creative in my own way. And this inability and unwillingness to conform led me to discovering quite a few interesting alternatives.

When I told my friends I am going to live in a Zen Buddhist temple and learn kung-fu and meditation for free for 3 months, they could not believe it’s possible.

When a year before, I said I am going to live in Italy trying out my business ideas while being funded by local province — it was also something beyond their understanding of how the world works.

But it works. And there are plenty of unconventional opportunities out there which are fun and free. I call them alternative lifestyles.

Of course, one can’t do it for years, but it’s a good way to take a break from anything that you’d call “a normal life”.

Alternative lifestyles

That can be pretty much anything different from what you are normally doing. But let’s assume that normal lifestyle is study and then ”work–occasional vacation” in a continuos cycle.

I should warn you though, it’s not for everyone. You should be comfortable with being on the road, facing challenges and ambiguity. You should enjoy meeting people and seek out new experiences instead of chasing status in the society and career ladder. You should be adventurous and ready to take risks.

All these programs are potentially life-changing and a great opportunity to define a new way of life for yourself.

1. Startup Accelerators

Examples: Techpeaks Italy, StartUp Chile, SEED Brazil.

It’s a safe playground where you can test your business ideas and an excellent runaway for your startup.

Some programs like TechPeaks provide you with accommodation, co-working space, monthly allowance and if your idea is good enough — with non-equity funding so you can kickstart your company faster. Other provide only grant which you can spend on your company and to cover living expenses.

And these programs are all over the world in amazing places.

Techpeaks is in Trento, a city in the Italian Alps. Startup Chile is in Santiago, one of the coolest cities in South America.

Work on your startup here, anyone?

Think about it — you get to work on your own idea and you’re paid to do that.

You meet ambitious creative people from all over the world and build your dream projects together. And you get to travel to exotic places and live in a new country for 4–6 months.

All that if you’re chosen of course, so make sure your application stands out and your idea is worth pursuing.

2. Artist-in-Residence programs (AiR)

Examples: TransArtists, the most complete database of available AiR programs all over the world.

If you are an artist of any kind, joining an artist-in-residence program can be a valuable experience and an alternative way to pursue your creative avenue of choice.

I came across AiR programs everywhere. There’s one in Medelin, Columbia, in Finland, in Japan, in Thailand. Whether you’re a painter, a musician or a clay potter — there’s always something for you. And often in an exotic location.

Many of them are fully sponsored so you can focus on pursuing your art and not thinking of paying the bills.

Set up is normally a guest house with a personal or shared studio where you work on your art — music, painting, glassblowing or whatever your creative urge forces you to do.

Most programs require a plan for your project and what you’re trying to create in the process, so make sure you know what you are actually working on and set clear milestones.

3. Workaway and HelpX

Examples: Workaway, HelpX.

Now, this is a truly inspiring source of all kinds of alternative lifestyles. Every time I surf through new opportunities there I get an adrenaline rush and a feeling that I will never settle in one place.

Idea is simple — people and communities around the world offer a place to stay and cover living expenses in exchange for help with local project. And it can be anything! Educational potential here is enormous.

You can help developing surf camp on Bali, assist kayaking resort in Canada or be assistant at Yoga retreat in Sri Lanka. Build houses in eco-village in the Philippines, grow organic mangoes in Brazil and whatnot.

You can even help shamans at Ayahuasca retreat in Peru (would love to post about that). Whichever weird interests you have and wild experiences you’re looking for — often you can find it there.

4. WOOFing

Examples: WOOF, WOOF Australia and many others.

In some ways a lot like projects at Workaway and HelpX.

But WOOFing is mostly about staying with a family on a farm and helping them with whatever they need. You’ll learn a great deal about organic farming, sustainable living and local culture.

That’s a good fit when you want to learn languages and see authentic side of the country you travel to. Normally, you work 3–5 hours a day helping farmers and the rest you’re free to explore and wander around. Why not go to Argentina to learn Spanish while living with a family in the suburbs of Buenos Aires? Or explore wild life in Australia?

WOOFing is probably the most well-known option on this list. And that’s because it’s one of the simplest and cheapest ways to learn about the country from the inside.

5. Zen and meditation retreats

Examples: Humanistic Academy of Life and Arts in Manila, Vipassana Retreat in Thailand’s landmark temple Wat Prathat Dot Suthep, Mindfulness Project (permaculture meditation community) and many more.

As cliched as it is, but understanding yourself is a key to living a fulfilling life. Cliches are cliches because they speak truth.

If you’re still soul searching and not sure which way to go, why not meditate on that, look into yourself and learn some Eastern wisdom?

There are various programs ranging from simple meditation retreats in Thailand or South Korea to more complex programs on Eastern philosophy and culture, like HALA in Manila.

I once lived alongside Buddhist monks in Taiwanese mountains and I can say it’s an experience that re-shaped my world view in a very positive way.


I guess that would be fair to say that those who go through all these programs have a serious case of ADD combined with acute wanderlust. But I believe it’s not a bad thing. You can always go back to wherever you started and settle. So why not explore things while you can?

This was just an attempt to show you that there’re plenty of unconventional ways to live your life when you’re young and free. There are many other similar programs all around the world. Everything starts with your decision to do something differently and follow your heart.

And once you decide — opportunities will arise.


I am often asked how do I finance such projects. While obviously you need at least some money saved upfront (at least for tickets) or some passive income — all those programs are free.

For more stuff like this follow No Point Of Reference on Facebook and @pavelc on Twitter.

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Pavel Cherkasov
Travel Hacks

UX consultant & designer currently based in Stockholm. Occasional music producer. Twitter: @pavelc