Breaking Down Barriers: A Guide to UX Research in Non-Profit vs Commercial Projects

Exploring the Differences and Similarities Between Commercial and Non-Profit UX Research

Pavel Nekoranec
4 min readFeb 12, 2023
Image created by Midjourney AI.

Working with both commercial and non-profit projects, I have come to understand the similarities and differences between these two types of projects. Despite the common perception that working on non-profit projects is easier, it can be just as challenging, if not more so, than working on commercial projects.

Commercial projects typically have well-defined target audiences, ample resources, and a clear goal of generating revenue and increasing profitability. UX research plays a crucial role in validating and improving product designs, and commercial projects often have the resources to invest in extensive user research.

On the other hand, non-profit projects often have different goals, such as helping those in need or promoting social causes. The target audience is broader and more diverse, and the resources available for UX research often need to be improved. This can make it challenging to conduct extensive user research, allocate resources effectively, and navigate constraints such as political sensitivity, language barriers, and limited access to the target audience.

UX research for non-profit projects can provide a unique opportunity for UX researchers to challenge themselves and gain valuable experience.

Despite these differences, commercial and non-profit digital projects share several key similarities. Both types of projects rely on user-centred design and require UX research to validate and improve designs to meet the needs of their target audience. Both aim to create high-quality products, which require effective project management, collaboration and teamwork, and continuous improvement.

UX research for non-profit projects can provide a unique opportunity for UX researchers to challenge themselves and gain valuable experience. By working on projects that are not solely driven by profit, UX researchers must approach projects differently, learning to navigate the challenges and constraints unique to non-profit projects.

If you are a UX researcher interested in working with non-profit organisations, here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Research the organisation: Before reaching out to a non-profit organisation, it’s important to research the organisation and understand their mission, goals, and the issues they are trying to address. This will help you understand how your skills and expertise can be applied to their projects and how you can make a positive impact.
  2. Build your network: Networking is key to building relationships with non-profit organisations. Attend events, conferences, and workshops related to the non-profit sector, and reach out to other UX researchers and professionals who have experience working in this area. You can also join professional organisations and groups focused on UX research in the non-profit sector.
  3. Offer your services pro bono: One way you can get involved with non-profit organisations is to offer your services pro bono, or free of charge. This is a great way to build relationships with organisations and gain experience in UX research for non-profit projects.
  4. Be flexible and open-minded: Non-profit organisations often have limited resources, so it’s important to be flexible and open-minded in your approach to UX research. You may need to be creative in your research methods and adapt to the unique constraints and challenges of the organisation and project.
  5. Focus on the user: Like commercial projects, non-profit projects rely on user-centred design, so it’s essential to focus on the user and their needs, preferences, and behaviours. UX research is crucial in understanding the user and designing products that meet their needs and improve their lives.
  6. Collaborate with the organisation: UX research is a collaborative process, and working with non-profit organisations requires close collaboration and communication with stakeholders and partners. Be prepared to work closely with the organisation, understand their goals, and help them achieve their mission.
  7. Be a thought leader: As a UX researcher in the non-profit sector, you have the opportunity to be a thought leader and advocate for UX research in this area. Share your experience and insights with others, and encourage others to get involved in UX research for non-profit projects.

By following these tips, you can get involved with non-profit organisations and contribute your skills and expertise to positively impact society. Whether it’s a commercial or non-profit project, the goal of UX research remains the same: to design products that improve people’s lives.

Ready to make a positive impact on the world through UX research? Join the movement of designers and researchers who are using their skills for good! Get in touch with me today to learn how you can use your expertise to drive change in non-profit organisations.



Pavel Nekoranec

Creative Director, UX Research expert and digital ethnographer.