Designing for Real People: 12 Benefits of Digital Ethnography in UX Research

Pavel Nekoranec
5 min readFeb 11, 2023


Image of person in a futuristic setting, wearing virtual reality headset.
Image created by Midjourney AI.

As a UX researcher, my passion lies in uncovering the underlying motivations, behaviours, and needs of the users I design for. To truly create digital products that meet their needs and expectations, it’s crucial to understand them in their natural environment. This is where digital ethnography comes into play. As a powerful research tool, digital ethnography provides a window into real user behaviours and habits, helping us to understand their experiences and identify areas for improvement.

In this blog post, I aim to shed light on the numerous benefits of digital ethnography and how it can be leveraged to support UX research and digital product development. By exploring 12 compelling reasons, I aim to demonstrate the importance of digital ethnography in creating better digital products that meet the needs of the users. Whether you are a seasoned UX researcher or just starting out, this blog post will provide valuable insights and help you understand why digital ethnography should be an essential component of your research and design process.

1. Provides Insight into Real User Behaviors

Digital ethnography provides a window into the real-world behaviours and habits of users. It allows UX researchers to observe users in their natural environment, providing valuable insights into their routines, preferences, and challenges.

2. Uncovers Hidden User Needs

Digital ethnography often uncovers hidden user needs that might have yet to be revealed through more traditional research methods. This is because digital ethnography allows researchers to observe users in the context of their lives, providing a deeper understanding of their motivations and goals.

3. Improves User Empathy

Digital ethnography helps UX researchers develop deeper empathy for users by allowing them to see the world from their perspective. This improved empathy leads to better, more user-centred design decisions.

4. Supports Data-Driven Design Decisions

Digital ethnography provides data that can be used to inform design decisions. This data helps UX researchers make informed decisions about features, functionality, and overall design, leading to better digital products.

5. Offers a Holistic View of User Experience

Digital ethnography provides a holistic view of the user experience, including the context in which users interact with digital products. This allows UX researchers to design products that are not only functional but also fit into the users’ lives in a meaningful way.

6. Uncovers User Pain Points

Digital ethnography provides a way to identify user pain points, including areas where users struggle with digital products. By understanding these pain points, UX researchers can design solutions that make the user experience smoother and more enjoyable.

7. Improves User Retention

By understanding the motivations, needs, and pain points of users, digital ethnography helps UX researchers design products that users will continue to use and engage with.

8. Supports Design for Diverse User Groups

Digital ethnography provides a way for UX researchers to understand diverse user groups’ unique experiences and needs. This leads to more inclusive design decisions, helping to ensure that digital products are accessible and usable by everyone.

9. Enables User-Centered Design

Digital ethnography provides a way for UX researchers to understand users and design products that are truly centred around their needs and goals. This leads to better user adoption and satisfaction with digital products.

10. Provides a Deeper Understanding of User Journeys

By observing users in the context of their lives, digital ethnography provides a deeper understanding of the journeys that users take when interacting with digital products. This information is valuable in designing user-centred journeys that are smooth, intuitive, and enjoyable.

11. Supports Continuous Improvement

Digital ethnography provides a way for UX researchers to continue to learn and understand users over time. This information can be used to inform continuous improvements to digital products, ensuring that they remain relevant and valuable to users.

12. Helps Build Stronger User Relationships

By understanding the needs and experiences of users, digital ethnography helps UX researchers build strong relationships with users. This leads to better collaboration, more user-centred design decisions, and more successful digital products.

Digital ethnography is a valuable tool for UX researchers and digital product developers. It provides a deeper understanding of users and their experiences, allowing for more user-centred design decisions and better digital products. Digital ethnography offers a holistic view of the user experience, helps uncover hidden user needs, and supports design for diverse user groups.

By observing users in their natural environment, digital ethnography provides a window into real user behaviours and habits, helping to improve user empathy and support data-driven design decisions. Digital ethnography also provides a way to identify user pain points and promotes continuous improvement, leading to better user satisfaction and retention.

To truly create digital products that meet the needs and expectations of users, UX researchers and digital product developers must embrace digital ethnography as a critical component of their research and design process.

So, if you’re a UX researcher or digital product developer looking to create better digital products, I encourage you to incorporate digital ethnography into your research and design process. The benefits are clear, and the impact on your products and users will be significant. If you have any questions or want to learn more about how digital ethnography can benefit your business, feel free to reach out to me!



Pavel Nekoranec

Creative Director, UX Research expert and digital ethnographer.