Empathise, Analyze, Iterate: The Essential Skills of a Successful UX Researcher

What really matters in building a digital product

Pavel Nekoranec
5 min readFeb 20, 2023
Image created by Midjourney AI.

In recent years, many companies have come to understand the importance of having UX researchers on their teams. However, it is common for these same companies to need mature design thinking and process in their organisation. This can make it challenging for UX researchers to do their job effectively and to contribute meaningfully to the company’s success. In such cases, I believe it is essential for UX researchers to be proactive in their roles.

This means taking the initiative to educate stakeholders about the value of UX research, advocating for the importance of user-centred design, and working collaboratively to develop and implement effective design processes. By taking an active and proactive approach, UX researchers can help their organisations to become more successful and more user-centric, ultimately contributing to the success of their products and services.

“What matters most are the skills and experiences gained through applying various methods to solve different challenges and issues.”

As a UX researcher with experience in both commercial and non-profit projects, I’ve come to realise that the skills that matter most in this field are not necessarily tied to a specific industry but rather the ability to apply various methods to solve a wide range of challenges and issues.

Over the years, I’ve worked on projects ranging from small campaigns to massive platforms and online tools. And through my experiences, I’ve developed a set of skills that I believe are essential for success in UX research.

First and foremost, empathy is critical. As UX researchers, we must put ourselves in the shoes of our users and understand their needs, motivations and behaviours. This means being able to listen actively, observe attentively and ask the right questions.

Strong communication skills are also vital. It’s not enough to gather insights — we must also be able to articulate them clearly and persuasively to stakeholders. This requires the ability to distil complex data into simple and compelling narratives that resonate with different audiences.

Analytical and critical thinking skills are also essential. We must be able to synthesise large amounts of data from multiple sources and draw meaningful conclusions. This requires a willingness to challenge assumptions, consider alternative explanations and connect the dots between seemingly unrelated pieces of information.

“It’s not enough to gather insights — we must also be able to articulate them clearly and persuasively to stakeholders.”

Flexibility and adaptability are also crucial. UX research involves working with people and situations that are constantly changing. We must be able to pivot quickly and adjust our approach as needed without losing sight of our ultimate goal.

Last but not least, a growth mindset is crucial. UX research is a constantly evolving field, and to be successful, we must be open to new ideas, methods and tools. This means seeking new learning opportunities, experimenting with different approaches and being willing to take risks.

Here are 10 critical skills that I believe are essential for success in UX research:

  1. Empathy: The ability to put yourself in the shoes of your users and understand their needs, motivations and behaviours.
  2. Active listening: The ability to listen attentively to what users are saying and to ask questions to clarify and deepen your understanding.
  3. Observational skills: The ability to observe users as they interact with your product or service and to identify patterns in their behaviour.
  4. Communication: The ability to articulate your insights clearly and persuasively to stakeholders, using language that resonates with different audiences.
  5. Analytical thinking: The ability to synthesise data from multiple sources and draw meaningful conclusions, using critical thinking skills to challenge assumptions and consider alternative explanations.
  6. Adaptability: The ability to pivot quickly and adjust your approach as needed without losing sight of your ultimate goal.
  7. Creativity: The ability to generate new ideas and approaches and to think outside the box when faced with complex problems.
  8. Attention to detail: The ability to spot the small details that can make a big difference in user experience and to ensure that all aspects of your product or service are designed with care.
  9. Collaboration: The ability to work effectively with other team members, including designers, developers, product managers and other stakeholders.
  10. Continuous learning: The ability to stay up-to-date with the latest trends, tools and techniques in UX research and seek new learning opportunities to improve your skills and knowledge.

While specific industry knowledge can certainly be an advantage in UX research, what matters most are the skills and experiences gained through applying various methods to solve different challenges and issues. As a UX researcher with a diverse background in both commercial and non-profit projects, I’ve learned the importance of empathy, communication, analytical thinking, adaptability and a growth mindset. These skills have served me well, and I believe they are critical for success in this field.

With a diverse background in commercial and non-profit projects, I have the skills and experience necessary to solve various challenges and issues. From empathy and active listening to analytical thinking and creativity, I possess a broad range of essential skills to help you build successful, user-centric products and services.

If you’re interested in learning more about how I can help you and your team, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’d love to hear from you and discuss how we can work together to achieve your goals.



Pavel Nekoranec

Creative Director, UX Research expert and digital ethnographer.