The Social Side of UX: How Anthropology Informs User Experience

Pavel Nekoranec
5 min readFeb 11, 2023


Image created by Midjourney AI.

User experience (UX) research is crucial to digital product development. It helps designers, developers, and product managers understand the needs and preferences of their target audience and make informed decisions that improve the overall user experience. But while UX research is essential, getting an accurate and comprehensive understanding of user behaviour and motivations can be challenging. This is where social anthropology comes in.

Social anthropology is the study of human societies and cultures. It provides a rich and diverse perspective on human behaviour, beliefs, and social structures. By incorporating social anthropology into UX research, designers and developers can gain a deeper and more nuanced understanding of their target audience and create digital products that genuinely meet their needs.

Here are five key examples of why social anthropology is important for UX research and digital product development:

1. Understanding Cultural Context:

People’s behaviour is shaped by the cultural context in which they live. Social anthropology helps UX researchers understand these cultural norms and values and how they influence user behaviour. By taking cultural context into account, UX researchers can create more culturally-sensitive and effective digital products.

For example, imagine that you are designing a digital product for users in India. Through social anthropology research, you can understand the cultural context in which these users live, such as the importance of family and community in Indian culture. This information can inform the design of the digital product, such as including features that allow users to connect with their family and community through the product.

2. Uncovering Hidden Motivations:

People’s motivations for using digital products are not always obvious. Social anthropology can help UX researchers uncover the underlying motivations and beliefs that drive user behaviour. This information is invaluable for creating digital products that truly resonate with users.

For example, imagine that you are designing a digital health app for users. Through social anthropology research, you may uncover the hidden motivations behind why users want to use the app, such as a desire to improve their physical and mental health or a sense of accountability to their family. This information can inform the design of the app, such as including features that help users achieve their personal health goals.

3. Exploring Social Structures:

People’s behaviour is also shaped by the social structures they belong to. Social anthropology can help UX researchers understand the social structures that influence user behaviour, and how digital products fit into those structures. This information is key for creating digital products that are adopted and used in meaningful ways by target audiences.

For example, imagine that you are designing a digital product for a workplace. Through social anthropology research, you can understand the social structures within the workplace, such as the hierarchy of power and the relationships between different departments. This information can inform the design of the digital product, such as creating features that help employees communicate effectively and efficiently within the workplace.

4. Identifying User Pain Points:

Understanding user pain points is a crucial aspect of UX research. Social anthropology can help UX researchers identify these pain points by exploring the social and cultural contexts in which they occur. This information can be used to inform the design and development of digital products that address user needs and preferences.

For example, imagine that you are designing a digital product for elderly users. Through social anthropology research, you may identify a user pain point, such as difficulty using technology because of declining fine motor skills. This information can inform the design of the digital product, such as including larger buttons and simpler navigation to address this pain point.

5. Improving User Engagement:

Social anthropology can also help UX researchers understand how users engage with digital products. By exploring the social and cultural factors that influence engagement, UX researchers can create digital products that truly engage users and keep them coming back for more.

For example, imagine that you are designing a digital product for fitness enthusiasts. Through social anthropology research, you may understand that users are highly engaged in the fitness community and want to connect with other like-minded individuals. This information can inform the design of the digital product, such as including features that allow users to connect with each other, share their progress, and motivate each other to reach their fitness goals.

In conclusion, social anthropology is a valuable tool for UX research and digital product development. By incorporating this discipline into their research and design process, designers and developers can create digital products that truly meet the needs and preferences of their target audience. Whether you are a UX researcher, designer, or product manager, understanding the importance of social anthropology is key to creating effective and engaging digital products.

I would be more than happy to discuss how I can bring my expertise in social anthropology and UX to your project and help you create digital products that truly meet the needs of your users. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me today!



Pavel Nekoranec

Creative Director, UX Research expert and digital ethnographer.