The Main Ideas Of “Power VS Force” — Dr. David R. Hawkins

Paul D.
2 min readJun 23, 2023


The book emphasizes the significance of personal responsibility and the power of choice. Dr. Hawkins suggests that individuals have the ability to shift their consciousness and move towards higher levels by making conscious choices aligned with love, compassion, and integrity. By taking responsibility for their own thoughts and actions, individuals can break free from the limitations of lower consciousness and tap into their innate power.

You can read the whole book here.

  • The book introduces the “Map of Consciousness,” a scale that categorizes emotional and psychological states along a scale from 1 to 1000.
  • Power, associated with higher levels of consciousness, is characterized by qualities such as love, compassion, and understanding.
  • Force, associated with lower levels of consciousness, relies on control, manipulation, and coercion.
  • Power, rooted in higher consciousness, is more effective and sustainable than force.
  • The book emphasizes personal responsibility and the power of choice in aligning with power.
  • The levels of consciousness influence perceptions, thoughts, and behaviors.
  • Individuals operating at lower levels exhibit negative behaviors, limited perspectives, and negative emotions.
  • Individuals operating at higher levels have a more positive outlook, engage in constructive behaviors, and experience positive emotions.
  • By making conscious choices aligned with love, compassion, and integrity, individuals can shift their consciousness towards higher levels.
  • Consciousness impacts collective reality, and raising individual consciousness contributes to the elevation of collective consciousness.
  • The book highlights the interconnectedness of all beings and the potential for global transformation through individual transformation.
  • Higher levels of consciousness are associated with greater truth and accuracy in perception.
  • Understanding and cultivating higher consciousness can lead to profound and lasting transformation.
  • It critiques traditional psychological approaches and suggests a shift towards higher consciousness for deeper transformation.

“Power vs. Force” has garnered both praise and criticism. Supporters appreciate the book’s emphasis on personal empowerment, spiritual growth, and the interconnectedness of all beings. Critics, however, argue that the book lacks empirical evidence and relies heavily on subjective assessments of consciousness.

Throughout the book, Dr. Hawkins presents anecdotes, case studies, and insights from his extensive experience as a psychiatrist and spiritual teacher.

Read The Book Right Here.

