Literature Learners
3 min readMay 25, 2021

Oregano Leaves And Their Benefits

Oregano Leaves And Their Health Benefits

Oregano , our favourite seasoning that makes our pizzas, pastas , salads and other dishes yummy. A pinch of oregano not only adds flavour to food but it also adds to its nutritional value.

Oregano is a culinary herb belonging to mint or Lamiaceae family. Leaves of oregano plant are very useful . They are dried and used as a seasoning. One teaspoon of dried oregano leaves is equivalent to one tablespoon of fresh oregano leaves .Oregano oil is also extracted from the leaves which has many health benefits.

Ethymology: Greek words oros :mountain

ganos: joy

The Greeks and Romans associate oregano with joy and happiness.

Why Antioxidant Rich Food ?

A healthy diet must be rich in antioxidants . Antioxidants present in our food helps the body to eliminate free radicals .Free radicals are the toxic substances that are formed in our body as a result of metabolic processes .Our body also produces antioxidants that neutralize these free radicals .This process goes on in our body .An imbalance created by presence of excess of free radicals in our body leads to cell and tissue damage which can lead to serious ailments like cancer , diabetes and heart ailments This imbalance is called as oxidative stress. Antioxidant rich diet help in neutralizing free radicals or eliminating them hence protecting our body from oxidative stress.

Health Benefits

1.Oregano is rich in antioxidants like thyme, carvacrol, limonene , terpinene, ocimene , caryophyllene etc which fights against aging and oxidative stress .

2.Some scientific researches suggest that oregano may have antibacterial , antiviral and antiinflammatory properties.

3.Oregano may be helpful in regulating blood sugar levels and lipids. It improves insulin resistance.

Oregano is used in herbal medicines to cure cough , bronchitis , menstrual cramps , arthritis , headache ,heart conditions , high cholesterol, diabetes , allergies ,asthma, acne ,toothache , psoriasis and urinary tract infections.

4.Oregano tea has many health benefits and is effective against sore throat , cough , digestive problems .The herb has diuretic properties and is used to ease bloating and edema .

Some Cooking Tips To Reap Its Health Benefits :

1.Sprinkle oregano on salad, pasta , pizza , veg and non veg dishes .It should be added at the end of cooking process .

2. Add oregano in the dough and stuffings.

3.Fresh oregano leaves can be added to salad.

4.Oregano tea can be prepared by boiling water and pouring it over a tea strainer containing two teaspoon of dried oregano leaves. Let the mixture steep for two to four minutes . Remove the strainer and sip .

5. A few drops of oregano oil can be mixed with coconut oil and then it can be applied on the skin.

6. A few drops of oregano oil can be added in the diffuser and the vaporized form is effective against respiratory infections, cough , asthma and bronchitis.

7. Oregano oil is strong and highly concentrated in nature . It must be used in accordance with the instructions given on the product label.

8.As it is highly concentrated, it must be mixed with the carrier oil like coconut or olive oil or diluted before use. The ratio of oregano oil to carrier oil like olive oil is generally five to six drops of oregano oil to ounce of carrier oil.


Oregano oil must be used in accordance to the instructions given on the product. Skin patch allergic test must be done before starting its use on skin. Pregnant ladies and lactating mother should not use oregano in medicinal amount . Medical advice must be taken before using oregano supplements.

Conclusion :Adding oregano in food not only makes food delicious but also keep our body healthy.Being a perennial plant , it can be easily grown in home and its leaves can be used in fresh , dried or grinded form. Sprinkling it on the dishes in a small amount makes them delicious and healthy.

Literature learners

Literature Learners

Pavneet Kaur , an optimist fond of reading and writing ; sharing my thoughts on Literature learners