Eric Adams: From Brooklyn Streets to New York City Mayor

8 min readJul 29, 2024


Eric Adams, the 110th mayor of New York City, embodies a compelling narrative of resilience, dedication, and public service.

From his roots in Brooklyn to his role as the city’s leader, Adams has navigated a complex journey through the worlds of law enforcement, advocacy, and politics.

His ascent to the mayoralty marks a significant chapter in his career, reflecting a lifelong commitment to addressing issues of justice, public safety, and equity.

This article explores Eric Adams’s life, career, and the challenges and opportunities he faces as the mayor of America’s largest city.

Photo by ben o'bro on Unsplash

Early Life and Background

Eric Leroy Adams was born on September 1, 1960, in Brownsville, Brooklyn, one of New York City’s most impoverished neighborhoods.

The son of a housecleaner and a butcher, Adams grew up in a working-class family, experiencing firsthand the challenges of poverty and systemic inequality.

His upbringing in a tough neighborhood deeply influenced his views on crime, justice, and public service.

Adams’s early life was marked by a significant personal transformation.

At the age of 15, he was brutally beaten by police officers, an experience that profoundly shaped his perspective on law enforcement and justice.

This incident fueled his determination to join the police force, not only to advocate for reform from within but also to ensure fair treatment for all communities.

Adams attended Bayside High School in Queens and later John Jay College of Criminal Justice, where he earned an associate degree.

He went on to complete a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from the New York City College of Technology and a master’s degree in public administration from Marist College.

Career in Law Enforcement

Eric Adams began his career in law enforcement with the New York City Transit Police in 1984, before it merged with the NYPD in 1995.

Throughout his career, Adams was known for his outspoken advocacy for reform within the police department.

As an officer and later a captain, he became a vocal critic of police brutality and systemic racism, advocating for greater accountability and transparency in law enforcement practices.

In 1995, Adams co-founded 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care, an advocacy group dedicated to addressing issues of racial profiling, police brutality, and the treatment of African Americans within the criminal justice system.

The group worked to provide a voice for minority officers and sought to bridge the gap between law enforcement and communities of color.

Adams’s efforts in this area earned him a reputation as a reformer willing to challenge the status quo.

His two-decade career in law enforcement provided Adams with a deep understanding of the complexities of public safety and criminal justice.

It also positioned him as a unique voice within New York City’s political landscape, blending firsthand experience in law enforcement with a commitment to progressive reform.

Transition to Politics

Eric Adams’s transition from law enforcement to politics was a natural extension of his advocacy work.

In 2006, he was elected to the New York State Senate, representing the 20th District in Brooklyn.

During his tenure in the Senate, Adams focused on issues such as affordable housing, healthcare, education, and criminal justice reform.

He was known for his pragmatic approach, often seeking to balance progressive ideals with practical solutions.

As a state senator, Adams sponsored and supported legislation on various critical issues, including reforms to the state’s criminal justice system, tenant protections, and measures to combat gun violence.

His legislative work further solidified his reputation as a leader committed to justice and equity.

Brooklyn Borough President

In 2013, Eric Adams was elected Brooklyn Borough President, becoming the first African American to hold the position.

As Borough President, Adams worked to address a wide range of issues affecting Brooklyn’s diverse communities, including economic development, education, public health, and housing.

Adams was particularly vocal about addressing the inequities facing marginalized communities.

He championed initiatives to promote healthier lifestyles, such as his “Plant-Based Lifestyle Medicine” initiative, which encouraged dietary changes to combat chronic diseases.

His advocacy for public health was personal as well, following his diagnosis with Type 2 diabetes, which he managed through lifestyle changes.

Under Adams’s leadership, Brooklyn saw significant growth and development.

He promoted economic development initiatives, supported small businesses, and worked to attract investments to the borough.

He also focused on improving infrastructure, advocating for better transportation options and affordable housing.

Adams’s tenure as Borough President was marked by his pragmatic and often unconventional approach to governance.

He was known for his hands-on leadership style, often engaging directly with residents and community leaders to address local concerns.

This approach helped him build a strong base of support in Brooklyn, setting the stage for his mayoral campaign.

Mayoral Campaign and Election

Eric Adams announced his candidacy for mayor of New York City in November 2020, amidst a period of significant challenges for the city, including the COVID-19 pandemic, rising crime rates, and economic uncertainty.

His campaign focused on a platform of public safety, economic recovery, and addressing systemic inequalities.

Throughout the campaign, Adams positioned himself as a pragmatic leader with a deep understanding of the challenges facing the city.

He emphasized his experience in law enforcement and government, arguing that his background uniquely qualified him to address issues of public safety and criminal justice reform.

Adams also highlighted his personal story, including his upbringing in poverty and his experience as a victim of police brutality, to connect with a broad spectrum of voters.

The Democratic primary for the mayoral race was highly competitive, with Adams facing several prominent candidates, including Maya Wiley, Kathryn Garcia, and Andrew Yang.

Adams’s focus on public safety resonated with many voters concerned about rising crime rates, and his campaign gained significant momentum in the final weeks before the primary.

In June 2021, Adams won the Democratic primary, securing his position as the party’s nominee.

Given the city’s heavily Democratic electorate, this victory made him the frontrunner in the general election.

In November 2021, Adams was elected mayor, defeating Republican candidate Curtis Sliwa.

His election marked a historic moment, as he became the second African American mayor in New York City’s history, after David Dinkins.

Challenges and Policy Priorities as Mayor

Eric Adams took office as mayor on January 1, 2022, inheriting a city grappling with numerous challenges.

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, economic recovery, public safety concerns, and issues of racial and social justice were at the forefront of the city’s agenda.

As mayor, Adams has focused on a range of policy priorities aimed at addressing these issues and promoting a vision of equity and opportunity for all New Yorkers.

Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform

One of Adams’s central campaign themes was public safety. As a former police officer, he brought a unique perspective to this issue, advocating for a balanced approach that includes both law enforcement and social services.

Adams has emphasized the importance of tackling gun violence, addressing mental health issues, and improving police-community relations.

He has called for reforms within the NYPD, including better training and accountability measures, while also supporting initiatives to increase police presence in high-crime areas.

Adams’s approach has been described as pragmatic, aiming to balance the need for public safety with respect for civil liberties and community trust.

Economic Recovery and Job Creation

The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been a significant concern for New York City, with many businesses struggling and unemployment rates remaining high.

Adams has prioritized economic recovery and job creation, advocating for investments in small businesses, infrastructure, and new industries.

He has also emphasized the need for equitable economic development, focusing on opportunities for historically marginalized communities.

Adams has supported initiatives to modernize the city’s workforce, including investments in technology and green energy sectors.

He has also championed vocational training and education programs to help residents acquire the skills needed for emerging industries.

Housing and Homelessness

Addressing the city’s housing crisis has been another key focus for Adams.

He has advocated for increasing affordable housing options, streamlining the development process, and protecting tenants from displacement.

Adams has also emphasized the need to address homelessness, proposing a comprehensive approach that includes mental health services, job training, and supportive housing.

Education and Youth Development

Adams has highlighted the importance of education and youth development in creating opportunities for the city’s residents.

He has called for improvements in public education, including increased funding for schools, expanded access to early childhood education, and support for after-school programs.

Adams has also emphasized the need to address the digital divide, ensuring that all students have access to technology and resources needed for success.

Health and Public Health Initiatives

Public health has been a significant focus for Adams, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

He has advocated for equitable vaccine distribution, increased access to healthcare, and initiatives to promote healthier lifestyles.

Adams’s personal health journey, including his experience managing Type 2 diabetes, has informed his approach to public health policy.

Environmental Sustainability

Adams has also prioritized environmental sustainability, advocating for policies to reduce the city’s carbon footprint, invest in renewable energy, and improve public transportation.

He has supported initiatives to create green jobs and promote environmental justice, addressing the disproportionate impact of environmental issues on low-income communities and communities of color.


Eric Adams’s journey from the streets of Brooklyn to the mayoralty of New York City is a testament to his resilience, dedication, and commitment to public service.

As the city’s leader, Adams faces a complex array of challenges, from public safety and economic recovery to housing and public health.

His unique background and experiences provide him with a distinct perspective on these issues, allowing him to approach governance with both empathy and pragmatism.

Adams’s leadership is defined by his focus on equity and opportunity, aiming to create a more just and inclusive city for all New Yorkers.

As he navigates the complexities of his role, Adams’s tenure as mayor will undoubtedly be shaped by his ability to address the city’s pressing challenges while staying true to his vision of a fairer and more equitable New York City.

The legacy of Eric Adams, both as a public servant and as a leader, will depend on his success in meeting these challenges and his ability to inspire and unite the city’s diverse communities.

As he continues to lead, Adams’s story serves as an inspiring example of the power of resilience, determination, and a deep commitment to public service.

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