Let’s Flutter Ep 0 — Kickoff!

Paweł Antonik
3 min readNov 7, 2019

Inteligent Man with ability to programming is more inteligent than any Men.

I heard that quote some time ago, and it changed my perception about programming. If you think about new technology that is changing the world, most of the time it is about programming. This course is about programming mobile devices. It’ll help you to learn and to be creative. Think about all the wonderful apps you could create if you only knew how to program…

Have you ever seen a chess board that has instruction how to play on it? This is an example of active learning —when you do stuff, context of that experience helps you learn faster and it’s more enjoyable. Also, think about how creative chess are. They were invented hundreds of years ago. In this sense, programming is like art and requires creativity. You will be presented with problems that you will have to think out of the box to solve. And if your first five attempts don’t work, try another.

I wanna be a programmer…

But how to stay interested?

For me one of most important things is to go deep with subject. You must be consistent. If you wanna learn quickly you must activate your brain on a scale you haven’t seen before. It’s good to realize that what excites us is not reaching the goal, but following the goal. It’s the very thought of finding something interesting while browsing facebook that electrifies us. That is why, the main element of this course is creating interesting projects. Learning is easier when there’s lot of time to spend, but what if you come after work and wanna learn something at the end of the day?


Different people organize their time differently, but one common tip is to disassemble tasks to smaller pieces, which you can grab and do quickly.

For example, write on a piece of paper tasks like:

  • learn Dart primitive types
  • learn what are Dart operators

These tasks should not take you more than 10 minutes each. But this knowledge is important, so learn it.

When we’re at productivity, remember that focus is our most valuable resource — it can be easily lost when your phone start to vibrate. Mute your phone while learning.


You have to be prepared for constant failing. Your program will not work at first and your code will often be criticized. You must be optimistic and find lots of…


Key concept is to know yourself. What motivates you? Is it curiosity, creation process or money? You should have multiple sources of motivation. The best motivation is effective motivation.

For many people, learning has become an excuse from doing.

In this course we will focus on creating small apps with written business requirements with less theory and more practice.

Why Flutter?

Flutter is a multiplatform framework for building mobile apps and it has a very unique way to build user interface. Flutter was presented by Google not so long ago and since then has made great progress with it development.

See you in next article!

Next episode

