Caring for Stray Cats: How to Feed Them Safely and Properly

Pawsn Furr
2 min readJan 18, 2023


Seeing a stray cat wandering around your neighborhood can be a heart-warming experience. Although these cats may look like they are doing just fine on their own, in most cases it’s best to provide them with additional care. This includes providing them with food and water, as well as making sure they have adequate shelter. But what is the Best Food for a Stray Cat, and how do you make sure they get enough of it? Read on to learn more about the nutritional needs of stray cats and how to feed them safely.

What do Stray Cats Need Nutritionally?

Stray cats need diets that are high in protein, low in carbohydrates, and full of essential vitamins and minerals. Wet cat food is typically the best option, as it contains higher amounts of moisture than dry food does. However, keep in mind that wet food spoils quickly, so if you plan on feeding a stray cat regularly then you will need to replace the wet food often. You can also supplement their diet with some canned tuna or chicken (make sure there are no bones!) as well as some warm water once or twice per day.

How Often Should I Feed Them?

The frequency at which you should feed a stray cat depends on the individual animal’s age and activity level. Generally speaking, kittens need to be fed three times daily while adult cats should eat at least twice per day. If you plan on feeding multiple cats at once then use separate bowls for each one so that everyone gets an equal amount of food. It’s also important to clean the dishes after each meal to prevent any buildup of bacteria or germs from spreading between cats.

What Else Can I Do To Help Stray Cats?

In addition to providing them with nutritious meals, there are several other things you can do to help stray cats in your area. Make sure they have access to clean water sources such as fountains or bowls filled with fresh water every day; spay/neuter any strays that come your way if possible; build or buy outdoor shelters for cold weather; and contact local animal rescue organizations who specialize in helping strays find homes when possible!


Stray cats deserve just as much care and attention as our beloved pet companions do — but sometimes it can be difficult to know what exactly we should be doing for them. Providing safe and nutritious food is one great way to show our love for these animals while keeping them healthy at the same time! By following these tips on providing the best nutrition for stray cats, you can ensure that these animals stay happy and healthy until they find their forever home!



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