PawFi Release Schedule and Point System

6 min readMar 1, 2024


It is soon time for the Pawfighters to explore the DeFi world. $PAW is making its way to becoming the $AAVE of the Shiba Inu ecosystem.

The moment of PawFi is upon us Pawfighters. There have been many battles faced since our inception. The FUD we have faced is a challenge for even the strongest of warriors. Our enemies have shown to be relentless in plotting our downfall while we seek to spread light amongst the darkness.

But I have never stopped building. In fact, our influence on the entire ecosystem persists, with so many incredible projects being built by the ShibArmy. Those who have been here early enough know that this project had one of the most successful launches without any VCs or presales reaching above $40 million in trading volume during the first 24 hours of launch and many exchanges coming to us offering to list our token without any payment.

We changed the narrative once and for all. Let us not forget that the trust for community tokens before us was little to none. We achieved so much without being a Partnershib project and proved you do not have to be official to make a big impact in this ecosystem.

Let’s now turn our attention to an overview of the many features PawFi has to offer.

PawFi will initially roll out with staking on both the Ethereum and Shibarium networks. It is time to earn interest with your $PAW and Shiba Inu tokens. Stakable tokens include but are not limited to $SHIB, $BONE, $LEASH, $SHEB, and of course $PAW. I also plan to include $TREAT and $SHI when the time comes.

Once users stake their allocations, they will be able to see their earnings per day, active positions, amount claimable, and their total earnings all on the dashboard page.

It is time to do more with your tokens and store them in a savings account in order to accrue APY.

We want to encourage the onboarding process into the Shibarium network with a simplified bridging system that makes it easier than ever to participate in the Shiba Inu L2 network.

In addition to the ability to bridge the Shiba Inu tokens back and forth, we are going to be introducing a multi-chain bridge to allow users to bridge their ETH across various other networks onto the Shibarium network. This feature will promote significant inflows as it will make it far less costly to bridge funds onto Shibarium.

Note you will still need to bridge $BONE via the Ethereum network to transact on the network.

Burning tokens is a very effective form of price stability that the Shiba Inu community are huge advocates for. However, many do not wish to simply throw away the money they have with no potential reciprocation. In attempts to make burning an enjoyable endeavor, we have created a burn raffle initiative. Every week there will be a prize people can enter a raffle for using $PAW and all funds raised from entries are then sent to the burn address.

Prizes can range from Shiboshis, Shib Metaverse Land, Sheboshis, token supply, and so much more. Pawpass holders will automatically qualify for every raffle.

The most ambitious endeavor is to become the very first borrowing and lending protocol on Shibarium. We want to innovate by adding more liquidity to the network and utilities for the PawZone and Shiba Inu tokens. With a borrowing and lending protocol we can enable efficient allocation of capital by allowing users to lend their assets to earn interest and borrowers to access additional capital with the funds they already hold. This helps in deploying funds where they are most needed which greatly helps decentralized economic activity within the network.

We will incorporate risk management features, such as over-collateralization which helps mitigate the risk of defaults and ensure the stability of the system.

Our goal remains to have PawFi release in March if all is to go smoothly from this point on. The team is working diligently to provide a smooth and addicting experience for users. First up will be staking before moving towards the other features over the coming months. The phases are expected to rollout one after another with little breaks in between. Do not expect to wait long before each additional feature is added.

Now for the surprise.

It’s time to STEAK your $PAW on PawFi

While a lot of information may have already been spilled to you , I’d like to present the community with the big surprise. $PAW was always meant to end up on the Shibarium network. $STEAK will get us there.

That’s right, I am pleased to announce that a new token is coming to the PawZone ecosystem, $STEAK! It’s the most delicious and exotic meat most dogs can only dream of.

Pawfighters, your chance to earn high APY on your $PAW, $STEAK, and the Shiba Inu tokens are near. Bury your tokens in different pools to dig up your $STEAK. Additionally, stake your steak by burying it in its very own pool. After all, there’s only so many STEAK to TAKE so STAKE your STEAK.

Get ready to dig up your rewards with our upcoming reward token set to launch on both the Ethereum and Shibarium networks, starting with Ethereum this month!

I have taken inspiration from the Shiba Inu team and have decided to launch a reward token of our own. This means that $PAW is no longer a reward token mainaining itself as the central mascot utlility token with governing capabilities.

A more complete and detailed overview of $STEAK and how it fits in with the entire ecosystem will be coming soon. In the meantime, feel free to follow the official Twitter page!

I will be setting aside $STEAK allocation for our fellow cadets that are first to the PawFi experience with the point system activating on launch. Be one of the early voyagers by staking on both the Ethereum and Shibarium networks during phase 1. As more features roll out on PawFi over the course of this year, there will be more methods to accrue points.

For now let us discuss how users will be able to accrue points on launch:

  • + 2 points every time you stake and + 1 additional point every 24 hours without unstaking
  • + 1 point per claim
  • + 3 points every 24 hours you do not claim

This system is on a per pool basis meaning that the points stack if you were to stake multiple pools as opposed to only one. Furthermore, unstaking or claiming in one pool does not reset the timer in the other pools.

A leaderboard is set to release shortly after initial launch. In addition to $STEAK allocation, the top 100 on the leaderboard will be receiving a PawPass, our official upcoming NFT collection (limited to only 200). The remainder 100 will be airdropped to the top 100 $PAW holders after a snapshot is taken.

Thank you Pawfighters

I appreciate and thank you for sticking with me through thick and thin. The strength of the Pawfighters knows no bounds and it means the world to me. We can never be stopped and I will continue to build long after the favor is returned. As the years pass by, we will only grow stronger as one of the most united communities in the crypto realm. Take care.

PAW: 0x1AA51bc7eb181ce48CE626Bf62f8956Fa9555136



