PayFair’s response to increased LocalBitcoin trade restrictions

3 min readJun 3, 2019


In light of the recent actions by LocalBitcoins to restrict cash options for buying and selling bitcoin, we at PayFair would like to extend a helping hand to the traders affected by this abrupt decision.

PayFair is open to the use of numerous ways of payments, and fiat pairs giving freedom to the trader to choose exactly how they wish to exchange, keeping to the core tenant of cryptocurrency, freedom to transact.

ZERO trading fee promotion!

To offset the series of bad news that other exchanges have brought about we have decided to offer a bit of good news to the community. That is why we at PayFair have decided to temporarily lift all trading fees on the platform until the end of August. That’s right 0 taker and maker fees! Come by, get familiar with the site and find out why PayFair is the platform with the traders heart in mind.

About PayFair

PayFair is a global P2P Cryptocurrency exchange, that allows users to trade directly with each other and it doesn’t hold user’s funds — locking it in escrow instead.

The main differences between PayFair and other P2P cryptocurrency exchanges is that KYC/AML procedures are optional and solely up to the buyer and seller. PayFair also allows people to earn money by becoming a part of the decentralized escrow system, by helping to solve disputes you can earn crypto.


Would you like to trade directly within your telegram community? Payfair offers convenient trading through our telegram trading bots, offering a significant improvement to your daily trading experience.

@PayFair_TokensBot [ERC-20 TOKENS ONLY — PFR, MKR etc]

@PayFair_CryptoBot [BLOCKCHAINS ONLY — BTC, ETH etc]



Create your own cryptocurrency payment store

Create your own store

Businesses that wish to offer cryptocurrency as option for payment can extend the PayFair api for easy buying and selling of goods with crypto. For more on how businesses can extend the PayFair API refer to this link.

Trading step by step:

  1. Open Trade with the other party.

2. View their TRADE CONDITIONS before trading, you may change your trade conditions where you see fit.

3. Once you are satisfied with the TRADE CONDITIONS and you are ready to accept the trade, you may click on “Accept Trade Conditions”.

You are only protected by escrow when both parties accept conditions, and that NO funds should be sent beforehand

4. Once you see “Cryptocurrency has now been transferred into escrow until the trade has completed”, only then it is safe to transfer your FIAT (in some cases, crypto) to the other party. Coins are now in escrow, trade conditions are now unchangeable.

5. After sending your FIAT, please confirm with the other party if they have received it and upload proof where appropriate.

6. The other party will then release the funds.

Reach us

Join us on Telegram!

Come trade with us here

Thank you for your continued support!

The PayFair Team

