How A Real Estate Commission Advance Works

Access to a real estate commission advance is wonderful with a secure company like Payfully.
3 min readOct 26, 2018


Agents know by now that a real estate commission advance can be helpful in so many ways. An advance can be used to cover everyday expenses, come in handy in a state of emergency, or be invested back into our business. When it comes to getting an advance on our commission we must really pay attention to which company we trust to handle the transaction. A company that offers a transparent, low stress, high earning payment advance is the right one for us. In this post, we’re exploring the experience of getting a commission advance through Payfully.


Nobody wants to get a payment advance and then suffer hidden fees that cause our earnings to disappear before our eyes. Some agents also harbor the fear that for some reason a real estate commission advance would slice into our credit score. Those who choose to work with Payfully suffer neither of these issues. Payfully is upfront about taking just one fee with absolutely no effect on our credit score. The company has preserved their devotion to transparency in their entry to the real estate industry.

Low Stress

There is a very common question from real estate agents inquiring about their first commission advance. They want to know if their broker is going to have to deal with long calls with an advance company or some other stressful interactions. When working with the team at Payfully the broker does almost nothing. The broker simply has to sign the advance agreement to provide their consent, and then once the commission goes through they forward the earnings directly to Payfully. Absolutely no liability falls to the broker even if the sale doesn’t close or we leave the company. This is the most low-stress scenario for a real estate commission advance.

Bang For Our Buck

In just about three business days Payfully will have provided about 80% of our commission. After looking into our business and transaction history for approval Payfully will deposit up to 80% of our earnings into our account. There is a one time fee taken from the sum which is determined by the Payfully risk analysis algorithm. Expect zero hidden fees when working with this advance company. If for some strange reason the sale doesn’t actually go through, just let your next sale cover the balance in the Payfully system. We can enjoy a robust amount of our commission in advance with very little risk.

Getting a real estate commission advance can be stressful with the wrong company, luckily Payfully is a trustworthy, transparent business. Payfully operates out of New York and helps real estate agents gain access to their commissions before the contracts have completely gone through.

