Social Media For Real Estate Marketing

When used properly social media can engage new potential clients, help us generate leads, and even close deals.
3 min readSep 17, 2018


The experience of buying a new home or condo has changed immensely in the last decade. Instead of leafing through the newspaper, we’re using real estate apps to find houses the moment that they’re listed. With this technological innovation, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that real estate marketing isn’t complete without a social media presence.

Knowing Our Platforms

Being present on social media is important, but before even making profiles it’s best to know which platform will serve us best. Each platform has made itself useful for fun, but when crafting a marketing plan we must assess which will be the correct social media for realtors.

To excel in social with followers, likes, and comments we need to establish ourselves as an expert. Obviously, new agents won’t be experts, but they can still establish themselves as an aggregator. By this we mean we should post articles and other information from known real estate experts we follow. Realtors who find success on social platforms also rely heavily on photo and video content. Clicks and likes are much easier to acquire when attached to a beautiful image. With these tips in mind, let’s explore the most interesting and effective social media for realtors.


The truth of social media is that Facebook is the foundational platform, that is true for pretty much any professional industry. For that reason, having a social page for the realty group is a great idea. All of the realtors could post to the page and interact, locking in engagement right off the bat. However, some realtors prefer to have their own professional page. In this case, we should apply the aggregate content explained above. Facebook is a great place to share articles, display albums of photos, and interact with others through comments.


Real estate marketing on Instagram has proven valuable for showcasing properties. It is also a great place to share tips for sprucing up listings, decorating our future home, or knowing where to start with buying a house. When building the page it’s important we market ourselves appropriately. So if we’re attempting to build our business then we should make it a ‘Business’ page rather and ‘Personal’. We can still share moments from our personal lives, but our followers will know we’re representing our real estate business.

While interacting on the page, remember to post on our feed and in our stories. Once our following has grown definitely start making live videos of open houses or tours. Lastly, don’t forget the hashtags. They’re always evolving but get a core 5–10 hashtags that inspire real estate engagement handy for the end of every post in our feed.


Though some mock this one, definitely set up a professional profile on LinkedIn. This social media site serves almost like a resume, displaying our schooling or experience. It also serves as a phenomenal networking tool, serving up our industry peers one after the other for us to connect with. Similarly, a commercial real estate agent will find it helpful to find investors on this social network for professionals.

Being on social media isn’t hard, but using social media to close deals can be a challenge. The best real estate marketing is done through confident, real engagement. While forming profiles, engaging with friends & followers, and planning post after post; just remember one thing. Be Yourself! The best way to generate leads from social media is to engage people the way you always have, with your own personality.

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