Top 4 Real Estate Agent Content Ideas
3 min readDec 27, 2018

Selling a house is rarely busy, but it can be made easier when we use our words wisely. Content marketing is any marketing tool that uses words to engage potential clients. Blogging, social media, sales materials; it all falls under content marketing. These tools can be valuable when trying to stand out in the crowd. Right now blogging, posting to our stories, and incentivizing signing up for an email list are great ways to put our linguistic ideas to good use.

Hire A Photographer

In a world where a homebuyer has inundated a realtor who hires a professional photographer can really stand out. For many real estate agents it doesn’t make fiscal sense to hire a professional photographer for every single listing, however, it can help in special cases. If a house isn’t moving with the market it may be time to update the photos. Also, if a property features something spectacular like a water feature or historic molding it would be admired most with a professional photo. Consider having a photographer on speed dial because having the right photos can drastically improve our odds of having the content on our website or listing read at all.

Start A Blog

Every real estate agent who is planning on selling a house should have a blog. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a digital marketing tool that makes our webpage appear first when relevant keywords like ‘real estate agent New York’ are searched. Having a blog that is based on our personal website can help build this SEO organically. To target specific keywords, write blogs that are relevant to the people we want to make into our clients. Blog posts that show you have knowledge about the industry while also teaching the reader something relevant are crucial to building SEO.

Instagram Stories

Many real estate agents are using Instagram to access their potential clients and build a persona within the industry. When it comes to marketing for realtors we mustn’t neglect our stories. The stories portion of Instagram is a place where we can film and share short, six-second videos or photos. This section of the platform is ideal for quick snaps of homes we’re putting on the market, open houses, and even decor inspiration. Due to the Instagram algorithm and the sheer amount of content being viewed in our feeds, stories are often the easiest way to be seen by potential clients.

Write an eBook

When marketing for realtors it is wise to collect emails as often as possible. The addresses can be used for e-blasts and general email marketing. We can collect these emails at open houses and also on our website. When using a webpage to collect an email list it is wise to incentivize signing up. A free e-book is a fabulous incentive. Perhaps we collaborate with a local real estate stager on tips or another ‘How To…’ idea that is relevant in the industry. Getting an e-book free with signup will not only be an incentive, but it’s also an opportunity to show a client your value as a real estate agent.

These content marketing ideas can all help a real estate agent when they’re selling a house. Blogging, posting to our stories and even writing an ebook may be the missing piece to translating clicks on our listings to potential clients.

