The Copyright Conundrum: AI’s Impact on Ownership

2 min readJul 4, 2023


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing our lives, infiltrating everything from customer service calls to social media interactions. Yet, the question of AI ownership and intellectual property remains unresolved. Disney’s recent struggles with AI-generated Asian title credits highlight the ethical challenges surrounding AI art and raise important concerns about copyrighting AI creations.

As AI becomes increasingly integrated into our daily lives, it is crucial to navigate the complex terrain of copyright and responsible AI use. With AI technology permeating various industries, including transportation, navigation, and social media algorithms, the question arises: who owns AI? Can we copyright and trademark something that is artificial intelligence, essentially a product of advanced algorithms?

The impact of AI is far-reaching and often goes unnoticed. From personalized recommendations on platforms like YouTube to the use of chatbots for customer support, AI’s influence is pervasive. However, this raises concerns about the authenticity of interactions, such as social media bots and artificially inflated likes. AI’s role in our lives is expanding, and understanding its implications is crucial.

While AI presents immense opportunities for innovation and convenience, the issue of ownership and copyright needs careful consideration. Striking the right balance between encouraging technological progress and safeguarding intellectual property will shape the future of AI. As we move forward, it is vital to address the ethical, legal, and societal implications of AI’s growing presence in our lives.




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