The Correlation Between Bitcoin and Gold is Strengthening! What is its Importance for Investors?

Payoto Token
2 min readMay 31, 2024


According to recent data, the relationship between Bitcoin and Gold is deepening, and the 60-day correlation is on an upward trend. This indicates that the prices of these two assets are increasingly moving together. This development was highlighted in a recent article published by Kaiko and the effects of this trend were examined in detail.

What Does the Concept of Correlation Mean?

Correlation is a statistical measure that shows how closely related two variables are. A positive correlation indicates that the prices of two assets are moving in the same direction. As the correlation value approaches 1, this relationship becomes stronger.

On the other hand, a negative correlation indicates that prices are moving in opposite directions, and -1 represents the strongest negative correlation. A correlation value of zero indicates that there is no relationship between the assets, i.e., price movements are independent of each other.

Recent Trends in the Correlation Between Bitcoin and Gold

According to Kaiko’s analysis, the correlation between Bitcoin and Gold has been on an upward trend in recent months. This trend is clearly seen in a graph showing the 60-day correlation metric over the past few years. Towards the end of 2023, the correlation fell into negative territory, with Bitcoin and Gold moving in opposite directions. However, more recent data shows that this correlation has returned to positive, but the current value is still below 0.2.

In 2022, the correlation between Bitcoin and Gold peaked at approximately 0.5, which is significantly higher than the current level. Despite the recent increase, the current correlation value is still significantly away from this historical peak. This indicates that Bitcoin and Gold are moving more in sync compared to the end of 2023, but their relationship is not as strong as in the past.

What Could This Mean for Investors?

The degree of correlation between assets is quite important for investors considering portfolio diversification. Assets with high correlation do not provide the benefits of diversification as their price movements tend to reflect each other.

The current relatively low correlation between Bitcoin and Gold suggests that they can still serve as effective diversification tools within an investment portfolio. Investors who own one of these assets may consider adding the other to their portfolios to potentially reduce risk and increase returns.

Market Context and Outlook for the Future

The increasing correlation between BTC and Gold could be influenced by broader market trends and investor behaviors. As both assets are generally seen as a hedge against economic uncertainty, their increasing correlations could reflect an approach to how investors perceive their roles in a diversified portfolio.

However, the relatively low current correlation leaves room for more alignment or divergence depending on future market conditions and economic developments.

Stay tuned for more!



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