Update [October, 2019]

2 min readOct 30, 2019


Apologies for the delay on this month’s report. As it is being difficult to move forward, we were waiting to have news to share. Please, see the following report below:


We are struggling to keep our server running in terms of cost. As we have to keep the whole Ethereum’s blockchain running on our server, our infrastructure’s costs are being too high.

For this reason, we have come to the following decision; we are going to release our code and make it open so anybody can check it and even use it for its own purposes. If that works, we will try to create a community so we can keep improving the product and make the token usable.

For iOS users, this will mean that the app will not be on the AppStore. For Android users, the code should be ready to be deployed in case anyone wants to.

As we are no capable of ensuring a fluent maintenance of the app, we believe this strategy will ensure that the app is used by whoever wants to use it.


Even though both the lawsuit and the expert’s report are finalized, we keep waiting to have the necessary funds to make the claim.


We are going through rough times as we have ran out of funds. We hope that the open-code strategy works so we can show evidence of the work and make it usable. The overall picture of this decision is that the project does not die, we just found a new path to keep it alive in a different manner. Same goals, different path.

In case you have any more questions, please send us an email to “info@thepaypro.com”.

