Life 360: MindGuard

3 min readSep 28, 2023


Disclaimer: I do not have all of the key details of Life360's user base, and I am making assumptions, based on limited information. This article is simply me diving into one of my favorite companies and exploring a feature that seems intriguing, although it may not be possible due to limitations.

Who Is Life360

Life360 is a company with the goal of helping family members stay safe and informed. It is a tool used by many parents to help stay in the loop with their kids, especially once they are out on their own. It offers peace of mind and promotes safety within families through real-time location sharing and emergency assistance features.

Who Uses Life360?

Life360 is used by millions across the world and after some research I have found that it is really loved by parents. Most parents would do anything to ensure the safety and well-being for their kids; Life360 gives parents the peace of mind to know that their kids are physically safe. However, that doesn’t address the mental health crisis that is taking over the nation. According to the National Instituie of Health, 20% of kids aged 3–7 have a mental, emotional, developmental, or behavioral disorder. It also states that suicidal behaviors have increased by over 40% in the last decade.

What is MindGuard?

MindGuard is my proposed solution to help family members have peace of mind regarding their loved ones mental health. Life360 currently covers many of the physical aspects of safety but given the current rise in mental health disorders we are learning mental and emotional safety is just as important.

How Would It Work?

V1 Mock-Up (for users being notified)

For V1 I mocked up what the users would be shown when they have a family member identify a mental health struggle they have had. These mocks can be seen below


  1. Not All Family Members will be able to reach out and get the help they need. This is hopefully an easier step than having to confront the problem head on. It aims to start mental health communication young. But, that does not mean this can stop an individual from suffering with mental health
  2. AI Driven Articles. I would love it if we could find a way for the recommended resources to be pulled in based on what the family member had reported and what the users relationship is with said family memver. Doing this would allow for Life360 to provide the most insightful resources they can.

Next Steps

My next steps would be to get infront of different families that use Life360 and get their thoughts on this concept. Once I hear feedback here I want to move forward into building the reporting side of the experience out, while also enhancing this experience to better meet user needs.

