How a Payment Orchestrator Boosts E-Commerce Revenue?

Paytring Orchestration Platform
5 min readJun 7, 2023


If you operate an e-commerce business, your focus is likely on finding methods to enhance your earnings and optimize your workflow. Given the surge in online shopping, it is crucial to have a seamless and effective payment system. This is where a payment orchestrator plays a vital role.

Payment Orchestration integrates all of your payment channels into a single platform, giving you a comprehensive view of your transactions and helping you to manage them more effectively.

In this blog, we will explore how a payment orchestrator can boost your e-commerce revenue and make your business more efficient.

Understanding the Payment Process in E-Commerce

Traditional Payment Process

The traditional payment process in E-commerce involves a series of steps, starting from the selection of goods, adding them to the cart, proceeding to checkout, and finally making the payment. This process involves several intermediaries, such as payment gateways, acquiring banks, and card networks, each adding to the complexity and increasing the time taken for the transaction to complete.

Challenges Faced in the Traditional Payment Process

The traditional payment process comes with several challenges, some of which include:

  1. Scalability and Performance — When transaction volumes increase, traditional payment processing systems may face difficulties in effectively managing the high volume of transactions. This can result in performance problems like slower processing times, transaction errors, and even system downtime. As a result, customers may become dissatisfied due to delayed payments, and merchants may experience lost revenue.
  2. High Processing Costs — Traditional payment processes often involve multiple intermediaries such as banks, card networks, and processors, each of whom charges a fee for their services. As a result, the cost of processing payments can add up quickly and become a significant burden for merchants.
  3. Limited Payment Options The acceptance of only a few payment methods by some e-commerce stores can have a detrimental impact on both the merchant and user experience. The merchant may suffer from decreased sales and dissatisfied customers due to limited payment options, while customers may feel inconvenienced and unable to make purchases freely. In such situations, customers may abandon their intended purchases, leading to lost revenue for the merchant.
  4. Limited Visibility and Control- Traditional payment processes often provide limited visibility and control over payment transactions, making it difficult for merchants to track and manage their payment flow.
  5. Lack of Standardization — Customers may experience frustration and errors due to the varying payment processes across e-commerce sites, which may necessitate them to enter the same information multiple times. Furthermore, the need to provide sensitive information, like credit card details, may cause customers to feel uneasy about the security of their data.
  6. Fraud Prevention — Payment fraudsters constantly find ways to exploit weaknesses in the payment process, and traditional processes often lack safeguards to protect against them.

Need for a Payment Orchestrator

A payment orchestrator serves as a centralized integration point for all payment methods, which can simplify the payment process for e-commerce stores. Connecting to multiple payment gateways and acquiring banks, eliminates the need for multiple integrations, resulting in a faster, more straightforward checkout process, improved user experience, and increased security.

Having a payment orchestrator enables e-commerce stores to expand their payment options, reducing the likelihood of customers abandoning their shopping carts.

Furthermore, payment orchestrators offer real-time analytics and reporting, enabling merchants to monitor transactions and identify any fraudulent activities.

Benefits of Payment Orchestrator for E-commerce

Here are some of the benefits of a Payment Orchestrator:

Reduce Processing Costs

Payment orchestration platforms streamline the payment process, allowing online retailers to lower their operational expenses. They assist e-commerce businesses in cutting down the costs associated with processing payments by routing transactions through the most cost-effective channels. By utilizing payment orchestration platforms, businesses can eliminate additional charges for automatic transaction routing and lower set-up fees.

Reduce Cart Abandonments

By consolidating multiple payment providers into a single platform, a payment orchestrator streamlines the checkout process and offers customers a range of payment options. This results in a faster and more convenient checkout experience, reducing the likelihood of abandoned shopping carts. Furthermore, a payment orchestrator can minimize technical glitches and errors that may cause customer frustration or confusion during the checkout. Ultimately, this leads to higher customer satisfaction and smoother transactions.

Supporting Multiple Payment Options

A Payment Orchestrator supports multiple payment methods, including credit and debit cards, mobile payments, and local payment options, making it easier for customers to make payments. Also, they can effortlessly incorporate additional payment methods to their websites through a single API connection as their needs evolve.

Simplify Payment Process

By utilizing payment orchestration, e-commerce merchants can simplify their payment process by integrating with both local and international payment service providers through a single platform. This eliminates the need for multiple connections through different accounts and platforms, saving the company valuable time and money. Additionally, this streamlined process opens up new opportunities for the company to reach a wider customer base.

Improved Security and Fraud Prevention

By implementing multi-layer authentication and real-time monitoring of transactions, the Payment Orchestrator offers improved security measures that lower the likelihood of fraudulent activity and safeguard customers’ confidential data, ultimately elevating confidence in the brand.

Real-time Analytics and Reporting

A Payment Orchestrator provides real-time analytics and reporting, helping businesses to track their revenue and performance. It helps businesses make informed decisions about their payment process and make improvements where possible, which results in increased revenues and profits.

What makes Paytring’s Payment Orchestrator the preferred choice for your E-Commerce Business?

It shows why business should choose Payment Orchestrator for ecommerce business

Smart Rule-Based Routing

Our smart routing of payments allows e-commerce merchants to have greater control over the flow of payments. By setting up personalized rules, merchants can guarantee that transactions are routed through the channels that offer the best conditions. For instance, businesses can specify a rule that channels high-risk customers towards low-risk payment options or choose a low-cost transaction channel.


Our white-labeled platform allows you to brand the payment experience as your own, helping to build customer trust and loyalty. This, in turn, may result in higher sales and revenue for your company, along with better customer satisfaction

Omnichannel Reconciliation Platform

Paytring offers a comprehensive reconciliation solution that seamlessly consolidates your e-commerce and physical store transactions into one centralized dashboard, enabling you to reconcile with ease. This dashboard provides a consolidated view that highlights any discrepancies and identifies the transactions that contribute to those variances.


Paytring is revolutionizing the payment integration process for e-commerce businesses. With its no-code solution, transactions can be effortlessly routed to various payment gateways, reducing operational costs and propelling your business to new heights. To stay ahead of the payment landscape and explore the full potential of Paytring, visit our website today!



Paytring Orchestration Platform

Payment orchestration platform for businesses. Effortless, cost-effective payment integration, optimized for better conversions. Simplify transactions with us.