#SummitPeru Recommendations for transparency and anti-corruption in the acquisition and use of surveillance technologies by the American States

Paz Peña O.
2 min readApr 13, 2018


*Spanish version here.

The main issue that is being discussed at the Summit of the Americas 2018 (April 13 -14 in Lima, Peru) is “Democratic Governance against Corruption”. In response to the call for civil society to participate with inputs for the discussion, several Latin American organizations that work in the field of human rights and digital technologies started to work to create a joint document for the occasion: Recommendations for transparency and anti-corruption in the acquisition and use of surveillance technologies by the American States.

The reason for this was urgent. There are several cases of corruption and lack of transparency in the acquisition of surveillance technology by States in the continent. The problem is aggravated because, in addition, these products and services are used against human rights and this is affecting democratic governance.

Thus, the organizations that prepared and signed the document (IPANDETEC from Panama, Hiperderecho from Peru, TEDIC from Paraguay, Derechos Digitales for Latin America, Fundación Karisma from Colombia, R3D from Mexico, Coding Rights from Brazil, Asociación por los Derechos Civiles from Argentina y Fundación Datos Protegidos from Chile) make a call for the American States to take additional measures to prevent corruption and ensure accountability in the acquisition of surveillance technologies. Now is the time to act. Otherwise, the abuse of human rights of journalists, activists, minorities and political opponents will continue and confidence in our democracies will deepen their crisis.

To know the recommendations that I had the privilege of coordinating, please click here.



Paz Peña O.

Tech, human rights & gender. Co-creator acoso.online. Collaborative council @CodingRights. Ex Advocacy Director @derechosdigital. Views=my own. pazpena.com