The man behind

6 min readMar 6, 2022


The most important things in life are the connections you make with others. -Tom Ford

Throughout my childhood I have always been interested in the Fashion world, and by entering this world I’ve started to connect with people all around the world. From making friendships to business partners. At that point I understood that to have a successful idea, you need the correct connections. From there on, rather than fully concentrating on my dreams, I’ve started to create connections with people which could help me succeed.

As years passed, thanks to a really close friend to which I’ll be forever grateful, since if it wasn’t for him I never would’ve entered this world (koalop), I was introduced to cryptocurrencies and blockchain. After entering this world, we’ve decided to become partners throughout the last few years in every project and helped each other with decisions.

At the end of January 2021, we’ve discovered this crazy new crypto called SHIBA and amazed from its incredibly active community, we decided to join in and invest in it. After actively being part of its community, I slowly started to become involved with the team, helping them in moderation and proposing new ideas, but more on that later.

Trust and Anonymity

Without trust, it is impossible to create successful relationships both in business and in personal life. Moreover, working in this environment, where anonymity is seen basically everywhere, it is important to gain trust from the people you’re working with. To do so it is essential to; keep promises made and realise them, show interest in the ideas of others, and most importantly never go behind people’s back.

Personally, I have always shown to the people I work and partner with my real values, demonstrating that I am always available and willing to propose and do anything to realise my ideas, and the ones from the other perspectives.


Being completely honest, I believe to be one of the first successful crypto-intermediary as thanks to the connections I’ve made throughout my life and the ones I’ll make in the future, I am able to connect people form different business backgrounds. These business connections make incredible ideas possible and real, and I am proud to be the intermediary that makes it happen.

However, on the other hand there are a lot of responsibilities of this role, most importantly because you have to guarantee that both parties; agree with their roles, ideas, and give their maximum effort and trust to the partnership.

Richmond x Shiba

This collaboration I was able to connect between a decentralised authority and an established worldwide recognised fashion brand will bring to the world an innovation in the fashion industry.

For years John Richmond has stood for a strong, decisive, rebellious and instantly recognizable style. The DNA of the brand crosses all ages and seamlessly brings together street-style, new music styles while also referencing John’s roots in punk and glamour. Over the years John Richmond has achieved international success establishing his eponymous brand as one of the first ever lifestyle brands through the creation of diverse brand pillars. Beyond the men and women’s collection, over time collections dedicated to kids wear, sports, accessories and fragrance were introduced.

10,000 clothing NFTs will be released and a connected wearable capsule to those NFTs. Thus, through this project SHIBA will be the first cryptocurrency to have a dedicated wearable collection from a worldwide known fashion brand.

This collection will be seen and presented at the Richmond Fashion show in September during the Milan Fashion Week. Moreover, the collection will be available to buy in all the Richmond flagship stores around the world and all of its retailers.

What are the benefits for SHIB?

This collaboration will have a great quality impact for SHIB, brining an entire new audience to the project through worldwide known fashion figures.

The show will take place in Milan during the 2022 Milan Fashion Week, where we’ll see AAA models parade for SHIB. We’ll also have an afterparty exclusive to SHIB holders and the SHIBARMY in a secrete top location, with a secret theme TBA.

Richmond’s team has employed very influential people in the fashion industry who are keen to have a successful collaboration, brining an advance in the fashion world through cryptocurrencies and the blockchain which has never been seen before.

Please don’t FUD because you have no idea what you all are about to experience.


Welly is a fast-food restaurant founded in Naples, Italy beginning of 2021. The idea was to create a unique experience where; one could eat a tasty burger without having to deal with the negative health effects of traditional fast food chains.

As part of the team was also part of a marketing company, we’ve built a

concept all around Welly, using a character, displayed in packagings and

advertisements to make it as friendly and happy as possible.

The addition of new members in the original Welly’s team came up with the

idea to implement the use of cryptocurrencies and blockchain to expand Welly to its maximum potential.

As I’ve been, in the first place, part of the SHIB community since January 2021, I understand that burn is an essential step the project needs and the community wants. However, we know that on the Ethereum, blockchain currently it is complicated to burn SHIB unless holders renounce their own holdings.

Nevertheless, through Shibarium this issue will be completely resolved, and we in Welly’s will participate in this action once Shibraium will be active. From burning through transactions, blockchain tracking and through parts of the profits generated.

We in the first place want and can’t wait for this to happen.

Welly’s NFT’s and the project will have a utility.

Holding Welly won’t be holding just an image, but you’d be rewarded from it. Thus, holders of Welly’s NFT’s will be reward in different ways from the expansion and growth of the business as if they were part of it.

Of course, the shib ecosystem will have an advantage: Leash holders and Shiboshis holders will have an early access to the NFTs, and the minting will be funded through $ETH .Subsequently, part of the whitelist allocations will be assigned to members of the community that show high engagement and, for example; complete art challenges or menu suggestions.

Now a days, Sustainability is a core value needed to be present in businesses. If employees within a business aren’t treated correctly it is proven that the business won’t have a long lifespan, as a business without employees is not a business. WITHOUT EMPLOYEES COMPANIES WON’T SUCCEED.

Thus, they have to be treated as an essential part of a business for it to be successful.

Our employees will be treated in a way never seen before, they won’t be seen as employees but as part of the company, and they’ll be rewarded for their help in making Welly successful and available worldwide.

As our partnership has been recently announced, we’ve been working everyday to bring this project to the community and realise this dream, Welly’s dream.

We’ve announced that we are open to franchise offers, and we’ve been reviewing every single one of them out of thousands that came in and hundreds coming every day. However, we know that for a franchise to be successful the main business has to be perfectly replicable anywhere without issues.

Thus, currently we’re consolidating our first business to make it as efficient as possible, while another part of the team is looking for the next location.

After opening the second , post NFT launch, we’ll get in contact with the selected franchise offers in order to completely assist, and successfully open the first franchise.

We can’t wait to make you taste a Welly!

How did all come through?

Do you remember the SHIB pizza day x Sorbillo? Well through IRL connections I was able to create that small partnership, where the worldwide known restaurant Sorbillo made a dedicated pizza available around the world only for SHIB, and accepted SHIB as payments for a week. Welly, well.. that was the first real life partnership SHIB had to enter the real world. After that first partnership I understood I can have a huge influence in helping SHIB IRL and therefore burning SHIB.

A Special Connection

When introduced to the SHIB project, as previously discussed, I gave all my efforts to the projects and my maximum availability for anything needed. Moreover, I started to propose my ideas and made everything possible to realise them. Thanks to these efforts, I was able to gain trust from the SHIB team, especially Shytoshi, which I am thankful for the opportunities he gave me and actually believed in me. I do consider him as an important connection in my life, moreover “family”, both him and all the active and past SHIB team members. Furthermore, my “family” is also in Welly and Richmond, which I am extremely thankful for listening to my ideas and agreeing to undertake these extraordinary first of its kind partnerships with SHIB.

